For the love of feMail

Madame StewartDeep Dish2 Comments


Back in the day, before Google Mail the House of Sissify worked their little asses off on creating a webmail system so all the girls would have a safe place to keep their communication. It was difficult to create, and even more difficult to manage as the years rolled by.

Between too much abuse from spammers, scary phishes and silly girls signing up for *everything* it became a spammers paradise, and the struggle to keep a functional mail system ran to the top of the Staff todo list every week. Unfortunately – taking important time of interaction with Our trainees, grading, and more.

SissyChat OperatorWe were heartbroken to have to discontinue feMail, but in January of 2020 the House was met with a huge disruption – moving our 13 year co-located server with 30 days notice! It’s a whole other story, worthy of an activism book, but let’s just say a corporate overlord bought out our friendly hosting company and immediately told Us  transgender content would not be welcome on their network. It was one of our biggest challenges, but We met it – and now the House is running better than ever, hosted at a company that appreciates the diversity of Our community. Faster server. Better software. Who wants to support transphobic companies, anyway?? Not Us!

So here We are, 10 months later into 2020 – with tight systems and new possibilities with offsite cloud based systems.

A bunch of girls have recently reminded Me how much they missed Sissify feMail, so I have spent the last week in discussion with a few offsite email providers. It appears that We found one that can provide Us with the security and features that We couldn’t consistently support with Sissify FeMail. It was very difficult to find programmers, at any cost – keeping up on filtering, mobile access, etc.

We’re excited about the possibility of starting feMail back up! We would love to hear if this is something you would be interested in supporting – so please complete this survey that can assist Us in visioning this projects viability.

Discussion is appreciated, so please leave a comment!

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i would just like to thank all the wonderful Women who have created this site. This little sissy has found a place to feel pretty, safe and secure. i look forward to learning more and more about becoming a Woman.

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