Sun Protection in Sissy Style

StaffDeep Dish2 Comments

You should know the dangers of too much scorching sun but have you considered the options available to a panty loving sissy such as yourself?

Other than slavering yourself in greasy sun-block or covering your soft white skin with thick clothes there is a shady sun protection alternative that is often forgotten.

Quite simply the parasol is the perfect summer accessory for you pathetic sissies especially if teamed with a frilly chequered sissy dress, gloves, stockings and gorgeous panties, like our pictured sissy. But even if you can’t dress in all these sumptuous goodies there is nothing to stop you twirling a dainty parasol above your head.

Before you rush out and put our sissy tip to use, note the word parasol. These mustn’t be confused with golfing umbrellas or cheap tacky soccer give-aways emblazoned with your favourite team.

A parasol must be light, dainty, non waterproof and femininely decorated. Got it!

With the correct shade, your parasol is the perfect excuse to show everyone nearby that you’re nothing more than a mincing submissive sissy. And if you’re very lucky, in addition to the sun protection, a Superior may spot you too and bathe you in some domineering attention. Shine On!

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