Transgender Awareness = Flash those panties!

StaffDeep Dish8 Comments

Panty Flash

Flash those panties for transgender week!

For this special week of Transgender Awareness, you should tell someone close to you that you are wearing panties – and you want to make them aware of it!
“I’m wearing pink panties right now Bob,  and I just thought that since it’s transgender awareness week, that I should show them to you.”a self assured sissy

Ok, well maybe you shouldn’t go that far if your particular Bob in your life doesn’t know your girlish ways – but isn’t it wonderful that an entire week is for sissies like you?

While its fun to show off your panties, and relish in your pinkest girlishness – there is a more serious reason for this. Transgender Awareness Week is a one-week celebration leading up to Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), which memorializes victims of transphobic violence. Transphobia needs to stop! How do we do that? Through education, outreach and familiarity with the community.

San Francisco marked the beginning of Transgender Awareness Week by lighting up City Hall in the trans flag colors and raising the trans flag over the building.

San Francisco city hall lights up for Transgender Awareness

San Francisco lights up its City Hall in Trans Pride!

The month of November celebrates the transgender and gender nonconforming communities and raises awareness for the community through education and advocacy activities. This year, it will encompass vigils and other gatherings around the country.

The city originally marked November as Transgender Awareness Month just last year when Mayor London Breed and the Office of Transgender Initiatives broadened Transgender Awareness Week, which is typically observed the second week of November. That event leads into Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Only one in four Americans knows a trans person personally – and even then, it is still important for people who are not transgender themselves to understand who we are and the issues we face and the barriers that are too often put in our way.

Crazy! I know hundreds of thousands! Maybe that sissy they should know is YOU!

So what can you do this week?
  1. Wear your panties!
  2. Work on your Training Assignments!
  3. Serve a Superior!
  4. Seek out stories by transgender creators. There’s a wealth of personal narratives available by trans people, including television, movies and books.
  5. Visit your local LGBTQ center. What can you do to help your community? Hint: They always need a good domestic at every advocacy center!
  6. Educate yourself. While being a sissy is in fact in the transgender family – there’s a rainbow of new kids in all forms of transgendered lifestyle as fun as yours. Learn the basic terminology surrounding the transgender community that you’re not familiar with. What do they like to be called? How are their pronouns best served? How can they be shown your respect?

Flash those pink panties for Transgender Awareness!

So get out there girls! Flash those pink panties and show the world what a sweet sissy you have become and represent your House of Sissify.

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This sissy is with You now for off and on 3-4 years and slowly but surely she gets Your program and discovers her true nature. In the beginning she was just a sissy on occasion and at “certain” times. But… Read more “sissychelle”

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