sissy faggot

A sissy maid cleans!

A sissy faggot slut I am through and through
A sissy faggot who is told exactly what to do
A sissy faggot in touch with her feminine side
A sissy faggot who wants hard cocks to ride

A sissy faggot who so likes to be well fucked
A sissy faggot to ensure your cock is sucked
A sissy faggot who for a while was so deluded
A sissy faggot who knows truth can’t be eluded

A sissy faggot who now must accept her fate
A sissy faggot with a horny client as her mate
A sissy faggot slut and now the truth is all out
A sissy faggot and cock is what my life is about

A sissy faggot slut fit only to be repeatedly used
A sissy faggot who is now begging to be abused
A sissy faggot who now wants to taste your cum
A sissy faggot who craves it in mouth and bum

A sissy faggot who wants to swallow every drop
A sissy faggot who doesn’t want the flow to stop
A sissy faggot who’s now addicted to your spunk
A sissy faggot who will ensure it is always drunk

A sissy faggot to be spanked and then wanked
A sissy faggot to be abused and never thanked
A sissy faggot who wants pleasure through pain
A sissy faggot who as your fuck toy will remain

A sissy faggot who uses plugs to widen her hole
A sissy faggot who desperately wants your pole
A sissy faggot who wants her botty smacked pink
A sissy faggot who will even be told what to think

A sissy faggot who needs to be put in her place
A sissy faggot who so wants you to fuck her face
A sissy faggot who wants to be down on her knees
A sissy faggot who so wants to suck you to please

A sissy faggot who wants your cum deep in her ass
A sissy faggot who want to swallow what you pass
A sissy faggot who wants the cum from her pussy
A sissy faggot desperate for spunk can’t be fussy

A sissy faggot who wants to be thoroughly fucked
A sissy faggot who will ensure your cock is sucked
A sissy faggot who will swallow all of the hot cum
A sissy faggot who will eat yours out of my bum

A sissy faggot who fills the vanilla folks with disgust
A sissy faggot who knows for her this is a true must
A sissy faggot who desperately craves degradation
A sissy faggot who knows that will be her salvation

A sissy faggot who knows she must serve and obey
A sissy faggot who accepts this is now her only way
A sissy faggot who has now given up all her pretence
A sissy faggot who has finally climbed off the fence

A sissy faggot who now glories in her slut whore role
A sissy faggot who wants spunk filling her every hole
A sissy faggot cumdump is now all I really want to be
A sissy faggot is now I finally understand the real me

A sissy faggot who must accept that I am forever gay
A sissy faggot for whom male sex is now the only way
A sissy faggot who now revels and glories in the name
A sissy faggot who you must thrash and fuck to train

A sissy faggot is now all I really want and so need to be
A sissy faggot who swallows spunk and drinks hot pee
A sissy faggot who takes cock but always wants more
A sissy faggot who fulfils her destiny as a filthy whore

A sissy faggot whore who likes to be fucked and beaten
A sissy faggot whore who makes sure your cum is eaten
A sissy faggot whore who’s so addicted to spunk’s taste
A sissy faggot whore who ensures none does go to waste

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i just wanted to express my gratitude for accepting me in Your sissy training and hope i can learn how to be a better sissy for my Wife.

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