He’s Her Sister!

He's Her Sister!

Dance with her!


Meanwhile Mary had found Butch and brought him over to our secluded corner. This shocked and alarmed me for it seemed that the girls were determined to reveal my unwanted transvestite masquerade. Maybe Butch suspected something already, and that was why he was so reluctant to be with me. After more half-hidden stroking of her hand beneath my skirt to make sure that I was fully excited, Doris thrust me at Butch and insisted that I dance with him while they watched to make sure that I did not avoid exposing my super-sexy girlish appearance to him.

To my horror I found that my stimulated maleness was being pressed firmly down by the firm front of my skirt. This was not only very uncomfortable for me, but it also mean that it would be practically impossible for my carnal excitement to relax as long as the rhythmic pressures of dancing kept stimulating It.

While Butch and I were still dancing the band began to play “Auld Lang Syne”, indicating that the party was officially over. I hoped that this would mean the end of my or deal for the evening, but that was far from the fact, as it turned out. Butch had his car there, and Mary and Doris insisted that I go for a drive with him before he brought me back to the dormitory.

Just as we were leaving, Mary spoke to me privately, while Doris spoke to Butch. To me Mary said that I was to continue to behave like a seductive girl toward Butch, and was to go along as far as possible in exciting him and

satisfying his desires. When I protested at these commands, Mary said I had to obey, and if my masquerade was discovered, that was just too bad for me.

Just as we rejoined Butch and Doris, I heard Doris say threateningly to him, “Remember what I told you, Butch. You have to do it whether you want to or not. If you disobey us, you’ll be in so much trouble that you’ll never forget it, I promise. Do it, that’s all.”

Obviously I was frightened as we drove silently away from the gymnasium. It seemed that both Butch and I were in some kind of a serious bind, and were completely in the power of the two vengeful girls. Neither of us knew what the other’s problem was, but we both were being forced into a situation that we both feared and hated.
Maybe if we got to know a little more about each other we could work out something to defeat our tormentors and escape public humiliation.

“Those girls seem set on giving us a bad time,” I said quietly as we drove along.

“Yeah,” replied Butch, glancing at me and my exotic appearance.

“Maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem,” I suggested.

“I don’t see how they could be any worse,” he said sourly. “Unless I refuse to obey them.”

“That’s the way it is with me, too,” I told him. When he offered no response, I said quietly, “You know, thingsaren’t always what they seem. I mean maybe our problems aren’t really that bad.”

“I have to do something, and I can think of only one way that I’d want to do it,” Butch told me bitterly.

“And you’re about as far away from being the right answer as anyone I can imagine.”

“And you’re almost exactly what I don’t want for what they’re making me do,” I told him seriously. “What is it you have to do with me that you hate so? Maybe we could fake it somehow, and fool Mary and Dorls.”

Butch was silent for a long while before he answered me. Finally he slowed down and parked the car at the curb, and I noticed that we were right behind the dormitory where the girls had been perpetrating their transvestite revenge on me. Butch turned and looked searchingly at my whole body and then said, “I’m meant to rape you if you won’t let me have sex with you. I shouldn’t be telling you, but there it is.”

I studied his big husky masculine form and then I said, “I’m meant to let you. What I don’t understand is why getting intimate with me, the way I look, should be so terrible for you?”

Again there was a long pause, with us sitting there worriedly in the parked car. Finally Butch said, “I can’t fake it to fool them. They’d know instantly whether I’ve done it to you or not. And you girls are all alike. You get all dolled up in a sexy revealing costume, and wave your breasts and fanny at the fellows, and you expect us to come swarming all over you like Gang Busters.”

“That’s standard operating procedure,” I admitted, “But there’s one very good reason why I don’t want it to work out that way be tween you and me.”

“Because you’re a virgin?” asked Butch. “That would turn me off even more. Mary and Doris found out about me, and that’s why they are giving me such a rough time by setting you on me to seduce me. I suppose that you, in the exotic outfits that you’ve been wearing today, would have most fellows jumping out of their skins to get at you.”

“But not you. Frankly, Butch, I’m very glad I don’t turn you on in the seduction-rape department,” I assured him. “But why don’t you go for girls in seductive revealing clothes?”

“I don’t go for girls, no matter how they are dressed. Or even if they are undressed. That’s what Mary and Doris are holding over me like a club. But I have to obey them now, or they’ll tell everyone in the college what they discovered about me. That I go for boys, that I’m gay, that I’m a queer, a homosexual.”

Even as he spoke these alarming words, Butch reached across the car-seat and grabbed me around the neck with his right hand. With his free left hand he thrust roughly up under my short leather skirt, prepared to rip off my under panties in preparation for the intended rape if he could get his body to perform.

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paula teevee

Thank you so much for accepting this pathetic sissy into your wonderful world. paula has only been under your wing a week but already feels she has improved as a sissy. She loves the Feminisation Erotica imagining that the wonderful… Read more “paula teevee”

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