Panty Punishment

panty punishment
Don just wanted to look at her panties, not wear them. But he now had to do both! It all happened on a nice autumn day — my punishment, that is, and my new way of life.

My employer had been called out of town and had decided to close her apparel shop during the early afternoon, leaving me freer than usual. I had gone home, and after resting awhile, began looking out of the window….

It was then that I saw Janet – – my bride-to-be, coming out into her yard across the way, carrying some clothes. My heart thrilled at the sight of her as the mild wind caught the long curls of her blonde hair, and turned the hem of her skirt to reveal a lacy petticoat.

Though at times of a stern and independent turn of mind, Janet was quite feminine, and whether at work or play, she insisted on being attractively dressed that way.

I thought of calling out to her inasmuch as she did not know I was at home, but then decided against doing so, and continued to watch.
Carefully, Janet began hanging the freshly laundered clothes she carried. First, a white blouse, two brassieres – a black one and a white one, and some nylon hosiery. And then a full length white slip, a pair of pale blue panties, and a pair of pink step-ins with open slits at the sides.

To my surprise, she completed the task by pinning to the clothes line a pair of pink silk bloomers — the kind with tunneled elastic legs and waist, which I had thought were only worn in these modern times by women who were either very old or fat. Though I had never seen them before, I knew they belonged to Janet.

They were edged with white lace and had something embroidered on them, making them very beautiful, indeed. As a sales clerk in a ladies dress and lingerie shop, I had seen exquisite underwear, but nothing as charming as these bloomers.

An idea took possession of me as I saw Janet return to the house. This was the time she usually went out to pick up groceries. I’d wait awhile and then have some fun with her.

For an instant I was reminded of my days at college…the time when some students and I conducted a “panty-raid” in the girls’ dormitories. “This will be another one,” I chuckled.

Down the stairs and out across the lawn I went. No one was in sight. It would be a harmless prank, and besides, I had to see those lovely bloomers at close range.

Quickly I went to the clothes line and took them. A bit nervously, I also took the blue colored panties, and then started back, almost in a run.

“HEY — What are you doing? “I froze in a light terror as I heard Janet’s voice cry out.

She hadn’t left the house as I had figured. As I turned my head, I stumbled over a rock in my path. The garments fell from my hands as I tried to protect myself. I heard the clatter of high heels approaching. Looking up from her shining patent leather shoes, I saw Janet — arms akimbo, staring down at me.

My face flushed with embarrassment. It all happened so quickly, I couldn’t think of a sensible thing to say.

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satin trudi

Before joining the House trudi connected with a wide variety of scammers intent on taking advantage of sissies desperate to find a partner for training and ownership. As a group we are expressing ourselves honestly to a world not yet… Read more “satin trudi”

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