princess philippa

princess philippa

princess philippa

Madame Stewart's princess pet!

Princess philippa has become a gorgeous & radiant collared sissy, and recently swore her devotion to her dominant Mistress. Doesn't she look divine in red and pink for Valentines? So much so you would never know her road to femininity was a little bumpy.
Her poor Superior initially struggled to get our Princess to discard her ugly male urges and devote herself full-time to becoming a sissy. Now she is broken in and accepts her sissy role with the pleasure it deserves; but why am I telling you this? When you can see all this from the glint of satisfaction in her eye. Well done Princess philippa - You rightly deserve the crown and are a fitting example to our other girls in the House.

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gina laVaLampe

It seems the House of Sissify has loosened the ground up beneath me and im descending, in free fall, accelerating by the vast gravitational attraction of Femininity.

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