Real Feminization
Raised in the Real World through transition by Matriarchs in their community, the House features two Staff Members that are post-operative transsexuals.
Because of this rich background in everything from electrolysis to psychology, the House has an intense and extensive understanding of real feminization, training and ultimately, submission to the Divine Feminine. The following articles contain information every sissy should know.

The phenomenon of guilt
For many trans folk one of the more challenging obstacles on the road to self-acceptance and healthy self expression is the emotion of guilt.
voice training
A sissy needs to develop greater flexibility of the vocal organs and the lungs.
my son, my daughter
When my daughter, Geraldine, went into the operating room a few hours earlier, she had been Gerald, my son.
The truth about transsexuals
This article will present the facts and the fiction surrounding transsexualism, and attempt to give you a better understanding of what it's all about.
DSM - Labeling of a community
The diagnostic categories in prior editions of the DSM are examined from a historical and social perspective.
20 things not to say to a transsexual
No question is dumb, especially yours, and particularly those you feel must be ushered in with a disclaimer.
Effects of Estrogen on Sexual Behavior
Examined in 7 presurgical male-to-female transsexuals engaged in cross-living.
Death & Morbidity
Hormones are associated with side effects.
Orchiectomy (Surgical Castration)
An orchiectomy, is the medical term for the surgical procedure to remove one or more of the testicles. Also known as castration.
Physical & Hormonal Evaluation
The optimal hormonal therapy for transsexual patients is not known.