Report 1003 – The sissyWalk

Girlish Essence
i start by wiggling into a very tight open-bottom girdle. It doesn't fit too well, i have gained a little weight since i bought it. It's very constricting, a little uncomfortable. Then a skirt, blouse, bra, panties, breast forms, full makeup and wig. The girdle has six garters so i attach black seamed stockings. No heels for this first try but 5" ones are nearby if i have some success. i put a string about 12' long taped down on the floor and a big mirror at one end.
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princess sugar

sissies, do you really know where this road will lead you? this sissy and Mistress in the first several years, simply walled off certain aspects of this life. we simply declared they weren’t for us, but 2014 hit and… Read more “princess sugar”