Report 1033 – Just for Frills

Your sissy robin is creaming her pantys with sissy juice . She tried to sew lace ruffles on a pair of tennis panties , and decided it was importment to her to do it the best she could and please her House Mistress , and herself ,so she went out to buy a sewing machine . Of corse she was dresed as an obvious sissy in womans jeans , and a blouse that made her bra show through , and just to leave no doubt to anyone , also light makeup , a purse , and sandles with pink nail polish fingers and toes , and short blonde wig .
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The House has been great, this sissy feels that this is a great community with very respectable Superiors and Staff who run our House. This sissy is very grateful. The House of Sissify has helped this sissy keep in mind… Read more “tiffany”