Report 1071 – Servitude

This sissy is happy to report that since she has entered the house she is wearing panties all the time.This sissy is now doing all of the housework and shopping as well.This sissies Mistress likes to cook and wants to know if it is okay if this sissy just assists her Mistress in meal preperation, such as having all ingredients prepared and ready to use.Of course this sissy does all the serving and cleanup as well.This sissy gave her Mistress a foot massage and pedicure last night Mistress told sissythat she did a pretty job on her feet.This sissy has been practising her walking,standing,and kneeling with a book on her head as well as her curtseys. This sissy would sinscerly like to apologise for not providing photo essays because sissy does not own a camera yet,but is working hard to purchase one.This sissy is of course tucked and pantied.
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Mr. M

I have come to greatly appreciate the training that You and your Staff have provided to these girls and believe that the House will provide her the best possible training to be the kind of sissy I would like to… Read more “Mr. M”