Report 1099 – Wanking 101

princess audrey maid
Dear Staff,Here is this sissy's report on wanking completed at the Elementary Level. It is her first report.IntroductionSissy tinaTeasmaid has come to the House as a frequent wanker, Having had no Significant Other (SO) for over ten years the habit was deeply ingrained.Within the last four to five years sissy has started to embrace her feminine self with the aid of hypnosis. The primary driving force was her sexuality and the first thing sissy did on joining the House was to apply for a masturbation schedule. She thought that it was probably possible for her to go for a month without wanking, so she requested that time period. This sissy was quickly put on the schedule but she had to double check - her special day has been granted on a bi-monthly basis.Straight away her prre-conceptions had been challenged.Determined to keep to the schedule, this sissy renewed her efforts to remain in chastity 24/7 so as to remove any temptation.This report is based on tina Teasmaid's reflections after her completion of the assignment rather that her experiences on the day.
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