Report 700 – The good sissies guide!

The guidance we sissies get from The House with itÇs rules and orders from The Masturbation control Board, Aunt FloÇs visits, tucking instructions, kind advice about dressing, make-up, nails, hair and of coarse correct sissy behavior is so stimulating.This little sissy, before being admitted into The House and put under House Control (heavenly), did not at all realize how wonderful it is to be a sissy and to work on becoming an even sissier one. Sissy now always leave in the open lingerie which s.he used to hide away and much of lovely undies is either in the bathroom or here and there in the bedroom and newly washed panties, garterbelts, bras, petticoats, girdles, stockings, nightgowns is almost constantly exposed. Sissy has now, tanks to The House guidance, the guts to let visiting girlfriends see all this (s.he refers to the rules of The House) and more often than not they like or at least accept it.
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This site is so cool. All of the lovely photos are inspirational to this sissy’s development. The personal stories help this sissy to believe that anything is possible.