Report 734 – sissyNails

Girlish Essence
I started out by repeating "i am a sissy, i am Not a Man, i submit my arrogant masculinity to my Superior for eradication."Drawing my bubble bath, i poured myself a glass of Chardonnay, got my music ready How relaxing it is to let all that yucky male stuff just drift away, thinking girlie thoughts Once i had slipped sweetly into the wonderful world of being femme, it was time to shave those hairs away and rid myself of even more maleness. To my surprise it was quite easy to do it! The razor gently glided up the leg and the hair seemed to almost dissolve away.
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sissy robyn

Sissify.Com is alive! i can feel the pulse of your heart and the heart of the Staff every time i log on. The passion that You and the Staff put into this program seems incredible to me. i can feel… Read more “sissy robyn”