Report 767 – A Visit From Aunt Flo

Monday the first thing sissy did after her morning duties was to go to her nearest store and buying the specific items that she needed to complete her first period in her new sissy life. And as soon as she got home again she immediately started to prepare her self for her women period and also put in a tampon in her women klit. And of corse lotioned her behind before she tucked in her thing were it belonged and put on her nickers again. And she also put in a pad in her nickers which she had in 24 / 7 and off course she changed her tampon every 4 our were ever she was at the time. And she also drank as much water as her little sissy body could take and she also refilled after every time she had to we we.
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thank You soooo much for helping to save this silly girls life. this sissy has never joined anything in her entire life be it a club or a group or even a clique that she hasn’t had her sissy ass thrown… Read more “veronica”