Report 787 – The sissyWalk

Girlish Essence
For this assignment, this sissy began with a Calgon bubble bath the night before. i lit a few scented candles, poured a glass of blush wine, and laid back on my bath pillow to read a romance novel. i then shaved from my toes to my underarms. i felt so sweet and girly. In the morning i painted my toenails chrome red, applied lipstick and light makeup, and pulled on a tight, white girdle slip with garter tabs. i attached coffee-colored stockings which felt so delicious on my smooth legs although they covered my polished toenails. i then went outside to my enclosed back patio. i could see my reflection in the long window. i laid down string and taped it to the concrete. i placed a hardcover book (JANE EYRE) on my head and chanting, "i'm a sissy not a man. i submit my arrogant masculinity to my Superior for eradication", proceeded to walk the line--back straight, titties out.
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