Report 951 – A Visit From Aunt Flo

i had my first visit from aunt flo today. i went to walmart, got me the 50 count multi size box of kotex. i have started with regular, not sure if i will ever get superplus in and be able to make my daily routine. it is a little uncomfortable, but i love it. i also bought a large bag of kotex overnite pads, some ky silk lube, and douche, You would be so proud, i got in that lang line displaying my new feminine needed rhings for all to see. Thank you house of sissy, i felt so embarressed,but very excited. i would have never done if it wasnt for you.
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The House has been great, this sissy feels that this is a great community with very respectable Superiors and Staff who run our House. This sissy is very grateful. The House of Sissify has helped this sissy keep in mind… Read more “tiffany”