princess ari

princess ari

princess ari

ari has been a sissy for life!

she started at the young age 8 with pantyhose and those interests slowly developed into a full on passion to become a sissy maid. S.he listens to hypnotic feminization tracks every night. S.he is 136 pounds at 5'11" loves bondage and Forced Feminization. He.r ultimate fantasy is to discover one day that s.he had been dosed with hormones and completely hypnotized making he.r permanently in the form s.he was always meant to be - a woman!

At night s.he is always plugged. s.he keeps he.rself smooth all over, and tries to be as sissy in he.r thoughts and daily actions as possible. This sissy serves and submits to Dominant Men and Women.

sorry sweetie

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