Panties Were Not A Part Of My Resume!

Not part of my resume!

Janet could sense his getting ready and went down hard on Marty sending his cock deep down into her throat just as Marty wad shot from his cock and down Janet’s throat. She swallowed hard and sucked Marty’s cock dry, until not even a single drop was left for her hungry red glossy lips to have. Then just as fast as it started – it was over as Janet let his soft cock, slip from her mouth, and she pulled his panties back up in place around his waist.

After several minutes, Ms Martin told Mark that he was acceptable to work there, and now it was up to him. He looked away from the mirror and said that he would take the job.

All was agreed, and now he would be taken to his room, which he was to share with Janet, the little french maid.

The contracts were signed and Janet was to show him where his quarters were, he started to pick up his male clothing, but he was told that he would not be needing them any more, that they would be put away until the end of the school year, at which time he could decide whether to renew with the school or go on his way.

During the next month, Janet and Marty became great friends, she taught him how to dress and act like a girl, they wore each others clothes and finally became more than just friends, they became lovers, enjoying each others company as much as they could. School was opening that day and the first day is always the hardest.

Starting around nine o’clock the students began to arrive. As they did they were taken to the assembly building where they were put into groups of five students each according to their size and gender, then taken to the supply room to be issued their uniforms.There was mixture of both boys and girls.

Once they were in the entrance way to the supply room they were given baskets and told to “strip down to the buff and place the clothes they had worn there into the basket, which was then put into another room and locked away until they left the school. They were then taken to the main supply room where they were all issued the same uniforms and were made to put it on as each piece was issued to them. There was plenty of help to deal with any resistance, and resentfully they all put on their issue.

The first piece of clothing they received was a pair of ruffled white satin panties, then came a padded white satin training bra with lace trim. A short white nylon slip was giving to them along with a pair of white cotton knee socks. Once the boys had these on, the were given their outer wear which consisted of a pair of black patent leather flats with a thin strap that buckled at the side and quarter inch heel, the kind you see little girls wearing. A dark blue pullover top that looked like belonged to a sailor, only it had a white flap and a red silk tie, and finally a matching short pleated skirt with an elastic waist band.

They were made to put them on before another thing was done, they finished slipping on their cute little sailor girl outfits, and then they were then lead back through the door they came in and you could see in the boys eyes that were waiting in entrance way as the small group of little girl sailors were march past them on their way to the reception area to wait for the rest of the students to get finished with their clothing issue.

The reception area is where this small group of boys got to see what the girls were wearing, It was almost the same except that their tops and skirts were red along with their shoes.

Just before lunch, Ms Martin came before the class and read the students their list of rules and the punishments for breaking them.

Everything from petticoat punishment to caning was brought up. As she displayed some of her instruments of discipline to the students. There were thin to thick switches, leather straps, and a whole array of frilly dresses and petticoats that were to be put on the infringer and then he or she would be taken into town and made to walk through the stores with a teacher.

It was very strange to Mark standing in the rear of the reception area behind the students, dressed in his white silk blouse and black jumper wearing his medium high heeled black patent pumps, as he heard Ms Martin give her speech, but he did remember what she had told him when he first got there about these students having discipline problems, and from what he heard, he was sure that there would be few if any from this group.

Mark was assigned as charge for a group of these boys dressed as little girl sailors, and from this time on, they would stay together as a group, they would eat, sleep, and work at the same things at the same time with each other until the school year was over.

When lunch was over on the first day, Mark had to take his group back over to supply so that they could be issued the rest of their clothing, school supplies, and bed sheets and blankets. After which, Mark took them to the dorm rooms where’ they would live for the next nine months or until suitable improvement was made with their problems.

Mark had no authority to discipline his charges, in the event he had a problem, he would have to report it to the Head Mistress, and she would take over from then on.

It was getting close to the end of the first day, when one of the boys in Marks group began throwing a fit, to the point of ripping off his cute little blue dress and tearing it to ribbons and throwing it out the window. He had been issued four sets of the uniforms, but he refused to put another back on. Mark tried to talk him into it, but to no avail. There was nothing left for Mark to do but to report this incident to the Head Mistress, so he called her on the phone, giving her all the details.

In a few minutes she arrived at the dormer with three assistants and forcibly removed the screaming fifteen year old from the room.

They had the rest of the group follow close behind them as they took him back into the supply room and proceeded to strip off the remainder of the clothes he had on, until he was completely naked in front of everyone present. Then tying his hands together, they forced him to lay over the lap of one of the assistants and she proceeded to slap his bare ass with a small wooden paddle.

As soon as the paddling stopped the other two woman lifted the boy off the other woman’s lap and started to dress him, in a frilly little girls taffeta party dress to include white leotards, pink ruffled panties silk teddy, stiff ruffled petticoats that made his dress stand out in a wide puffy circle, and black patent shoes. The pink taffeta dress with it’s three tears of lacy ruffles, wide pink satin ribbon belt, really made his face turn red.

But they were not done with him yet, they made him sit down in a chair and put red finger nail polish on his nails, then they put mascara and lipstick on the boys face, then they took a giant pink satin hair ribbon and affixed it to his hair. All the while, they tormented him with words, to the effect, as to what a pretty little girl he was and how they were going to give him an operation to make him a real little girl, the boys was in tears by the time they had finished with him. But you could tell that they had broken his spirit along with the spirit of the other boys that had witnessed the affair.

Mark was told to lead the boy back to the dormer by the hand, and they gave him a little doll to carry with him, warning that if he didn’t carry it with him at all times during the next week he would be severely punished – not just played with like he was today. The boy was to be dressed in that fashion for a whole week. He was to go to the supply house, to be dressed every morning, where they would inspect his turned in dress for damages, and dress him in a clean taffeta dress, and clean little girl underthings, do his make up and his hair, then send him on his way to class and the days activities.

As the first week passed more and more of the little girl taffeta dresses could be seen, being worn all over the estate. It seemed to be the basic punishment for any minor infraction of any rules.

Marty could now put his mind to rest for a couple of days for he had this weekend off and planned to spend it with Janet. Although they did see each other every night, there was rarely any time for the two of them to get together during the school week.

As he opened the front door to their cottage, Janet was standing at the kitchen sink getting a drink of water, what a lovely sight she made standing there in her French Maids outfit, with her long shapely legs encased in black nylon, and her four inch black patent leather, spiked high heeled pumps. Marty rarely got to see her dressed this way, since she was always home long before he was. Marty stared at her long lovely legs encased in black stockings and her skirt was so short that you could almost see the lower part of the cheeks of her ass encased in red French lace panties surrounded by layer upon layer of of the stiff white petticoats that rustled with her every move. Marty walked over to her and greeted her with a smile and a gentle kiss on her hot pink glossy lips. He was happy and excited about having almost three days off, but when he told Janet, she had a disappointed look on her face, and told him that Ms Martin wanted him, to work at her party tonight with Janet, serving drinks to some of the more special parents.

Marty was a little upset at first, but he knew that Janet had to work the party too, and if nothing else at least they would be working with each other. So he told her that they could carry on with their own plans later on after the party was over.

Janet smiled back at Marty and knew that he understood what she was saying.

Marty asked Janet what was he supposed to wear to the party, since he only had the clothes issued to him by the school, which was always the same. Janet started to giggle a little and pointed over to the couch, where on it, lay a pile of petticoats and a French Maids outfit just like Jackie’s, including the black stockings and black high heeled spike patent leather shoes.

Marty had been crossdressing only a couple of months now, and for the most part it was still new to him. He usually wore very little make up, and low heeled shoes, but this was asking for far too much on his part, this time, especially when Janet told him that he would have to shave his legs, arms and chest in order to look right in the short little outfit with the low scooped neck line with the white lace trim.

Janet told him that it would grow back, and Ms Martin would not have ask him to do it if there were any other choice, but she was just short on personnel that night, and asked him to do it as a favor for her.

After Marty heard that story he agreed to be her French Maid for the night, and Janet was going to help him get ready for all this.

As Marty stood up in the bathroom Janet smeared Nair over Marty’s entire body, except for Marty’s head, then as they waited for the Nair to work, Janet instructed Marty on how to be a French Maid and what his duties would be. He was to do just as Janet did, and say nothing to no one, unless spoken to.

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kelli ann

my Wife has ordered me to write You again and tell You how much She enjoys Your site and the ideas it has given Her. She says She never realized how nice it would be to have a sissy maid/slut… Read more “kelli ann”

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