Panties Were Not A Part Of My Resume!

Not part of my resume!

Marry stood in the shower as Jackie rinsed the Nair and the dissolved hair from his body, and then, pat dried his back for him.

Marty was as hairless as possible as he looked in the mirror in the huge bedroom that he now shared with Jackie. He looked so different, and very feminine. Even the hair from his groin was gone. Jackie dusted him with a scented powder and then helped him slip into a pair of black panty hose. As soon as the nylon material touch his now hairless legs, a new sensation shot through his body. it was more intense that when he first put on the girls clothes in the main office.

When he slipped into the red French lace ruffled panties, it increased even more. He tried to put it out of his mind, but as Janet hooked his strapless bra in the front and inserted the gel filled pads, his body started to tremble.

Janet asked him what the trouble was and he could not answer her, but in her mind Janet knew what it was, she had seen it many times in the boys that she had help put into the little frilly dresses for punishment. He had just became a true crossdresser, and he would never be able to get it out of his mind again.

She helped him pull the stiff heavily layered petticoat up around his waist and pull the satin French Maids dress over his head and adjusted the flaring skirt so the it cover the petticoats properly, showing just enough of the white ruffles to keep things interesting, for the men.

The high heels were the rough part, as Marty tried to walk around the room in them, but Janet could tell that Marty was having a real problem, but until he fell, she didn’t know what it was. As he sat on his pantied ass with his petticoats raised up so you could see his panties, his cock was standing ridged and trying to break through it’s prison of nylon and satin.

Jackie went over to him and helped him to his feet, then she just went down on her knees and pulled down his panties and the waist band of his black nylon panty hose, releasing his cock as it sprang out forward and rock hard.

Marty looked down at her just in time to see her glossy red lips kiss the head of his cock and leave a bright red glossy ring on it’s tip. She looked up at him and smiled, then open her mouth and took his six inch prick deep as she could into her mouth. Then gently sucking on it as she withdrew it, then with great vigor her mouth went into a frenzy as she licked and sucked on Marty until he spent his load of cum in Janet’s throat as she sucked hard with her mouth and swallowed hard sending his juice, down her throat, causing Marty’s cock to shrink back down, allowing Jackie to rearrange Marty’s panty hose, panties and petticoats.

Jackie freshened up her lipstick and gloss, then had Marty sit down while she did his for him, and styled his wig, when she finished, Marty looked splendid. He made a very pretty French Maid, and no one would ever guess that he was a young man and not a real girl.

Standing side by side looking in the mirror, they could pass for a pair of very pretty sisters. But they didn’t have much time to admire themselves, it was getting pretty close to the time that the party was to start, and they would have to be there to get any last minute instructions that Ms Martin might have for her lovely little French Maids.

Ms Martin was very impressed at the way her two servant girls looked and as she finished with the orders for the day, she had a strange look come over her face, as she looked at Ms Lacy.

The party was a great success, and it broke up around eleven thirty and the girls were out and back at their cottage by midnight. It was late and the party wore both Marty and Jackie completely out, so much so that Marty just took off his shoes and slept on top of the covers wearing his new little French Maid’s outfit, and Jackie did likewise.

Jackie woke up first, and looked over at her boyfriend only to find that his cock had some how escaped from it’s satin prison and was standing straight up and ridged, poking out from under all the ruffles of the stiff white petticoat.

She jumped quickly out of bed, and put on some fresh red lipstick and a heavy coat of lip gloss. Then slowly she got back on to the bed and gathered up a hand full of Marty’s stiff white ruffles from his stiff white petticoat and wrapped it around the base of his throbbing cock and gently kissed the head of it, leaving a bright red glossy lips print on it.

This woke Marty right up and as he opened his eyes he could see Janet’s glossy red lips parting and engulfing the head of his prick, then slowly close her lips around the head and rise up, leaving a glossy red ring around his cock at the base of it’s head.

Janet looked over at Marty and smiled, and told him that she knew how to wake up a pretty little French Maid, that is laying there with her little penis standing erect be neglected. With that said, she rammed his whole shaft deep down into her throat, and as she lifted her head back off of it, she sucked on it as hard as she could as she let it slip slowly from her glossy red lips, until she reached the head of it and once again rammed his stiff cock back down her throat. She kept repeating this until Marty was just about unable to stand it any more.

He reach for her hips and tried to use oral sex on her too, but she refused to let him touch her, this happened several times, and finally asked her why he could eat her pussy. She told him that if he wanted that pussy, that bad bad, then he had better put on some very glossy red lipstick and then try again. She told him that no pretty little French Maid was ever going to put her tongue on this pussy with out at least having a fresh coat of lipstick applied to her pouty little lips.

Marty jumped off the bed and his petticoats rustled as he headed for the vanity mirror and grabbed the same lip stick that Janet had put on herself to suck his cock, and applied it heavily to his lips and headed back for Janet.

Janet watch as he applied the lipstick care fully outlining his lushes lips, and as she watch him approach her again, she sat up and spread her legs and parted her hairless pussy lips so that Marty could find her clit on the first try and leave a red smear on it as his glossy red lips kissed and sucked gently on her sweetly scented pussy.

It took very little time for her to feel her orgasm coming, and as she did, she rolled back on the bed pulling Marty with her and grabbed for his cock with her still glossy lips. She caught it on the first try and engulfed the entire length of it in one move and started to suck it hard as she could, and as she was doing that to Marty, Marty was licking and sucking her sweet little cute for all he was worth. They were rolling from side to side on the bed, and there petticoats were rustling like they were in a wind storm, this sound only increased the sensual feelings that they were both getting from each other. In almost no time at all they were both cumming together and as their bodies tensed up they gave each other one last surge of energy as they gave each other the last sucks and licks they could muster from them selves. Then both of them fell limp on the bed as they waited for their strength to return to them.

In a few minutes they were both up and wide awake as they stood together in the shower as the warm water flowed over their smooth hairless bodies, as they kissed each other passionately. They stepped out of the shower and patted each other dry with their large fluffy pink towels, then dusted each other with the femininely scented bath powder with the large powder puff. Then headed off the the bedroom to get dressed for the day.

It was both of their days off today, and they wanted to do something exciting with each other. Today there would be no school uniforms them to wear. Janet selected a short maroon mini skirt, and white satin long sleeve blouse, with French ruffles on the collar and cuffs. She took them and laid them on the bed, She opened her drawer and took out a powder blue lace trimmed bra, matching lace trimmed bikini panties and Garter Belt, and to top it all off she selected a powder blue full length mini slip, and a pair of coffee colored thigh high stockings and a pair of three inch high heeled black patent leather T-strap pumps.

As Janet was slipping on her out fit she looked over at Marty as he was still trying to select something from the closet. Since this was his first real chance to pick out something that he wanted to wear, instead of what he was required to wear, by the rules of the school.

Janet was just slipping on her black shinny pumps to finish off her wardrobe of the day, and Marty was still looking through the closets naked as a Jay bird. Janet felt a little devilish at that moment, and came up behind

Marry and put her arms around his waist and kissed the back of his neck. Then she whispered in his ear that she had a great idea for something for him to put on, if not for the whole day , at least long enough for them to get their rocks off just one more time before it got too late in the morning.

Marty looked puzzled as she said this to him, but he was game for just about anything that Janet could come up with today, he was still feeling horny, and the thought of him and Janet getting it once again that morning was all it took for him to agree to what ever she wanted him to do or put on.

He looked into her dark sexy eyes, and told her that he was ready for anything she could come up with.

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papierengel magda

This House of Sissify is a true place of happiness for magda, a place where she is recognized, is shaped, and can give herself the way she feels deep inside her. How long has she been looking for a place… Read more “papierengel magda”

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