Bobbie to Barbara

bobbie to barbara

It was late and I was so tired. I just had a beer and met Suzy. She was cute and built. She was definitely one of San Janus Colleges best assets. I hoped to see her again. Just about 5’6″ Suzy had dark, long hair that she piled high on her head. She had the eyes of a hawk and finely chiseled features. Her shape was cut from stone.

Part One

Suzy loved to workout and had a firm body. Her breasts were lush and she dressed to accentuate this asset. Suzy said she lived in the Stradford, I was living in my car until the dorms opened. Suzy said The Stradford was the apartment complex to live in. Workout rooms, Jacuzzi, pool room, sauna, meeting rooms and a ballroom. The ballroom was the last piece left from the old building. The owners found it so charming they restored it. Upon going to housing, I learned that my room arrangements had gotten confused. With 45 days before the start of class, I had no place to live.

Suzy came up and said Hi. Moment later I found out that Suzy worked in housing. She tried to help but said that I had been bumped by accident. She was great. We spent the day together walking from here to there, trying to get the problem straightened out. Unfortunately for me, we couldn’t get dorm space. Then when all seemed lost Suzy said she thought she could help me out by allowing me to live in her building. But, she said I would have to appear before the committee and be approved. For the night however she said I could stay with her. So I took all of my things to Suzy’s house. Suzy gave me her key and told me she would meet me later at her place. I thanked her.

I looked at the address and saw the Stradford in front of me. It was absolutely regal. Ivy on the walls, gates ponds and fountains. The building was four stories tall. The inside was as beautiful as the outside.

As I entered, I was greeted by a very attractive young woman in a uniform of dark skirt, just above the knee, dark hose, very high patent leather heels, and a tight blouse with a high neck. She was gorgeous and perfectly made up. She offered me a pen and I looked at her perfect blood red nails and matching lipstick. She smiled and said, “Welcome to the Stradford, may I help you?” I said, my name is Bob and I’ll be visiting with Suzy in 4b. “Ah yes she smiled”. We’ve been expecting you.” “if I can serve you in any way, please just ask”.

I pressed the elevator button and the door opened. I was greeted by another similarly clad woman who asked me to select a floor. I told her four. She too was exquisite and I marveled at how she balanced herself on those very thin, tall spike heels. “Here’s your floor, if I can serve you in any way please ask”. I floated out of the elevator and in moments stood in front of 4b.

I was thinking how attractive that girl was when I opened the door to Suzy’s apartment. The apartment was stark, yet feminine. She had taste that was obvious. The pictures on the wall depicted feminine women in various states of undress. Clearly modern art, her paintings were in some ways very erotic. I walked her apartment and looked in the kitchen and then the bathroom.

Her guestroom was obviously decorated for female guest. She had a four poster bed, closets across the wall, a big padded sit and makeup mirror with lights. The guestroom had its own bathroom and that bathroom attached to the master bedroom. How strange I thought as I walked into her bedroom. Suzy was so sexy. I sat on her bed and dreamed of having her. I reached for her pillow and ran my hands underneath. I felt something soft and silky. I pulled my hand out and found I had a pair of Suzy’s panties tangled in my fingers. They were white, with lace and a flower at the top in the middle. I brought the delicate garment to my face and started sniffing. With my free hand I started stroking myself. After a few moments I was ready to cum so I stopped.

Just then I heard a key in the door. I ran for the living room. When I sat down, I realized that I had left her panties in the middle of her bed. “Hi Bob”, said Suzy. “How long have you been here?” I told her just a few minutes.

She said, “I’m dog tired, so I’ve ordered some food for us”. She said, “I’m going to get more comfortable”. With that she left and entered her bedroom. She did not close the door. I craned my neck and tried to sneak a peek. I saw her from her mirror. Off came her Blouse. Her breasts were encased by a silk low cut bra that showed off the tops of her ripe melons. She shucked off her skirt and I saw she was wearing thigh high stocking of nude and beige panties cut low. Her mound was clearly accentuated through her filmy panties. She put on some mules and a bathrobe and entered her bathroom. Moments later she emerged.

As she entered the door bell rang. Suzy said, “Bobbie dear be a lamb and get the door”. I arose and opened the door. Another beautiful women in the Stradford uniform entered and placed the food on the table. She entered the kitchen and picked out dishes and silverware. For the next ten minutes I watched this vixen set the table. She had grace and style. She turned on her 4″ heels perfectly. The badge on her breast said Mary. When she was done she stood and asked if we were ready to dine. She pulled out the seat for Suzy and placed a napkin in her lap. When finished she did the same for me. She served us out meal. Suzy started telling me about the Stradford. She talked about the amenities and all of the other points of the property.

After about 20 minutes of conversation, and while Mary was pouring me a second glass of wine Suzy looked directly into my eyes. “Did you touch my panties?”. I immediately said “no”. She continued ” Bobbie dear, honesty is everything.” I could see her breath coming and going. Her bathrobe had opened enough for me to see that gentle swell and the lace of her beige bra. She was a goddess. ” I can’t have you as a guest if you lie to me”.

Suzy then said, “Mary, stand still by me”. As ordered Mary did so. “I’ll ask you one more time, did you touch my panties this afternoon”. “I knew she meant business. I was embarrassed by having Suzy asking me the question and knowing that Mary was listening for the answer as well. Finally, I decided that honesty was the best policy. “yes” I said. A knowing look came across Suzy’s face. Mary simply had a smile on her face. “Did you soil my panties?” I stammered that I had not. She said, “But you did handle my panties”.

Ashamed I said yes again. Suzy ate quietly. I tried to apologize but she would not speak of it. She seemed angry and spilled some wine on her bathrobe. Mary immediately blotted the wine. Suzy bade her stop and she did. I tried to make conversation with Mary but she stood at attention next to Suzy. I was afraid, why did I play with those panties? After dinner was finished, Suzy told me to sit in the living room. I did as I was told. Suzy told Mary to clean up and leave. She sat down in he living room and told me what I did was wrong. She said I violated her trust. I asked her how I could make it up to her and she said you can do the laundry for me. I said great. I wanted her to be happy. I asked her where the washing machine was and she smiled. By this time, Mary had finished and presented herself. “do you need anything else”. “No dear” said Suzy, “Your service was excellent and so was your deportment, rest assured it will be noted”. Mary smiled and said, “If I may serve you in any way, please ask”. With that she was gone. I remarked to Suzy that the help was strange. She smiled and said laundry time. I followed her to the bathroom. We entered to through her room. She said the laundry is in my hamper please get in. I opened the hamper and looked inside. It was all lingerie. Panties, Bras, slips, teddy’s, hose and other delicate items. “Bobbie dear, seeing as you like to handle my panties, you might as well clean them. Be gentle with them they are delicate. I filled the sink with water and Suzy showed me how much of the fine washable fluid to add. “I’ll only show you this once, and then I expect you to get it right on your own the next time”. I was puzzled because I would be moving into my own Stradford apartment just as soon as Suzy got permission from the committee. One by one I took the panties out of the hamper.

“Suzy said, “Don’t they feel divine wet” She helped me by showing me how to immerse the garments and to make sure they wear clean. Once cleaned, she showed me how to hang them up. “Be very careful with my undergarments dear. I will not tolerate a run or a nick. Carelessness will e punished!” With that she removed her robe. “Wash this too” I want you to get the stain out before it sets. I was staring at her when she broke my trance. “Do you like my body?” She rubbed her hands on her breasts, tweaking her nipples through her bra. “Do you like my breasts, or my bra, or both?” I stammered, your breasts…your bra…”. She slid her fingers over her tight stomach. She touched the top of her panties. She slipped a finger in the waistband and traced the waistband back and fourth over her stomach. “Do you like my pussy, or my panties, or both? I gulped, “both”. Finish your chores Bobbie dear and join me in the bedroom, we have to prepare for the committee. I handled the delicates and hung them. All around me were her panties, bra, garters, stocking and slips. Her bathroom looked like a lingerie store. I was in heaven. My jeans were bulging when I left the bathroom.

She was seated on the stool in front of her makeup mirror. “Stand behind me please” she commanded. “Brush my hair and lets talk”. I was given a brush and began running it through her hair. Suzy’s hair was jet black and thick. Her eyes were grey blue. She looked at me as she took off her make up. I was looking at her breast peeking through her delicate brassiere. “You do that quite well, are you enjoying yourself?” Well? I admitted that I like it. She then turned around and said “unzip your pants, right now”. I was shocked, but could not deny her request. I unzipped my pants and revealed my boxer shorts. She giggled, “Take those silly things off as well”. I put my hands in front of my penis to hide it. She slapped my hands away. I was erect. “Why Bobbie you are so excited”. With that she slapped my member and my erection immediately left. I doubled over and she took hold of my now limp member. She seemed to be weighing it. “Well this isn’t too offensive”. I was confused. I wanted her to suck it. She was extraordinary. Her legs were slightly spread and her face was eye level. The panty material was stretched tight across her pussy lips. I could tell she was damp and could smell her sex. I was erecting again when she released me. “Go to the top drawer and select a panty for me to wear to bed. I like to wear a panty to….oh that’s right you know that already”. Things were moving too fast. I opened the draw. My eyes were greeted with the vision of panties. All colors and styles were accounted. “Sweetie, Sweetie” I realized Suzy was talking to me. “Hurry up I’m tired”. I selected French cut blue panties of silk. “How sexy”, Suzy cried. “Help me out of my panties” I did as I was told and got to touch her body as I slid the garment off of her. “Now my bra” I unclasp her bra and reached around releasing the cups from her breasts. I was sweating and excited. I knelt as she stepped into the panties I had selected for her. I was proud to have served her. She took my face in her hand and said, ” You’ve done well and I’m proud of you. Tomorrow, we will meet with the committee, they have strange ways but I’m sure you will do well. At 9:00 Yvette will bring breakfast then we are going to the pool. She kissed me on the forehead. Her hand brushed my erection and her breasts brushed my shirt. She handed me her panties. “I know you will know what to do with these.” “You made me so wet tonight”. “Remember to clean them after you finish” I was trying to talk when she pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door. “Night, Night sweetie”. I got undressed and got into bed. I tried to ignore her delicate panties but could not. I smelled them and they were her. I rubbed the crotch and felt her dampness. I realized again that I was stroking myself. I put the panties over my erection and spent into the garment. What I didn’t see was the camera above my bed that was taping and broadcasting my private experience! In the next room, Suzy turned off the television and went to sleep with a smile on her face. Oh the secrets of The Stradford. The alarm went off and I opened my eyes to see another Stradford employee in front of me. Her badge said her name was Yvette. She too was perfect. Her outfit was immaculate and her lips and nails were blood red. Her heels were the highest I’ve seen. I was already excited. What was I doing here. I’m just an entering freshman, what is going on. She bade me get up. I went into the bathroom. I got into the shower. When I got out I went into the bedroom. All of my luggage was gone. I screamed and Suzy walked into the room. She was in a bikini. Her skin was olive and the suit was white. Her bottom was a full cut and the top barley covered her nipples! “Sweetie, don’t fret Yvette is going to clean all of your clothes now hurry”. “Oh Bobbie, remember what you promised”. She had hooked her beige panties that she had given me the night before around her little finger. She had a smile on her face. “Clean them and get ready.” I soaked her panties in the sink. I was embarrassed. Then I realized I had nothing to wear. Suzy, anticipating my needs came in and threw me a suit. Put this on. I snapped out the suit and realized it was a bikini bottom with a floral print.

“We don’t have tome to discuss this, we meet at 12 with the committee and you don’t look presentable. Honestly I don’t know why I help you. Why don’t you go back to student housing. I found myself practically begging to put the suit on. She held it out for me. I waited for her to leave the room. She did not. Instead she watched be slip the garment up. She smoothed the lines brushes my penis several times. She gave me some sandals and said lets go. I walked out of the apartment with her holding my hand and reassuring me. We got onto the elevator. Another Stradford Woman was operating the elevator she looked at me and turned around. “See Bobbie dear you look so sweet.” The door opened and we left the elevator. We walked down a hall and out a side door.. The pool was alive with people, and I was humiliated. In her heel and in general, Suzy was taller than me. She held my hand as we negotiated the many chairs. I found it odd that I saw no men. She said hello to everyone and failed to introduce me to anyone. I did see one strange thing: A young woman in a one piece black bathing suit was sitting in a chair with a strap around her mouth. I asked Suzy what that was about. “She smiled and said that I would learn.” Finally we sat down. Two Stradford Girls came over. They were perfect. However, instead of the long skirts, they wore shorter skirts (thigh high) and tank tops. The outfits were pastels. Suzy introduced Mabel and Cassie. Mable was holding her tray in both hands. She asked for drink orders. As she leaving, Suzy put her hand under Mabels skirt. She stroked her yellow pantied bottom. I could see Suzy’s nipple grow under her bikini top. Just as quick as the petting began it stopped. I gave Suzy her privacy. I was embarrassed lying in front Cassie in a bikini bottom. Suzy said, apply lotion all over Bobbie his skin is so delicate I don’t want him to burn. Cassie turned and bent over. She did not bend her knees. She exposed her pantied bottom. The difference was that she wore black panties and that she had hand marks on her bottom. She had just been spanked! I was excited and scared. I was so confused. Cassie turned around and squirted some liquid from a bottle with no name on it. She rubbed the fluid all over my legs massaging me. She work up my legs until she was at my rear end. She continued to liberally apply the fluid and let her hand wonder under the bikini bottom. I was so excited I knew I could not turn over. She applied the potion to my back and arms. I was in a trance. “Turn over”, demanded Suzy. I did not comply. I was too erect. “I won’t ask again, I thought we discussed this earlier”. I acquiesced and rolled over Suzy was smiling and Cassie continued. She applied the fluid from face to my neck, armpits, arms chest and my lower torso. Cassie then traced my bikini line and let her hand slide into the bottom. I leaned back and let her. That hand was all over my crotch. Right when I was about to cum, she took her hand away and stood behind Suzy. “Nicely done Cassie, I’ll make note of the job you did today, you may go. “If I can serve you in any other way please ask, said Cassie. She turned on her extremely high heel and left. We sat in the sun for two hours. Suzy woke me and took me upstairs. “we have to hurry, committee meets in an hour” I jumped into the shower and realized that all of my body hair was coming off. I called to Suzy, “what was in that lotion?” “She said I don’t know”. She rubbed my naked behind and said, I like you hairless. You have such soft skin”. I went back to my room. My clothes were still not back. I ran into Suzy’s room. “I have nothing to wear”. She was adjusting a red bra that barely covered her nipples and was also wearing full cut red panties. She was so slim so beautiful. I stopped to admire her. She put on a dress and brushed her hair. She turned and said, “I’ll lend you some of my things.” She went to the wall and pressed a button.

Moments later still another Stradford Girl was introduced to me. Her name was Colette. She was quite tall about 5 11 with the heels. Her lips were full and she wore the same long skirt and full blouse I saw yesterday.

Colette, as you see Bobbie here is not yet dressed. Take him to the mirror and dust him while I select some clothing. Dust him, what does that mean I thought, “Stop covering yourself Bobbie dear Colette is expert at what she does, enjoy one of the pleasures of Stradford.

She walked me to the mirror and started applying dusting powder to my body. She left no spot undusted. The application was exquisite and I was erect. Colette did not meet my eyes she just applied the powder.

“This will never do” said Suzy. I have some things for you to wear, but you will never fit into them in your state.

I looked at some of the garments in her arms. I cant wear your panties and those shorts with that blouse to meet the committee. “you can and you will”. “Colette, you know what to do”.

Colette stepped back and slid here hands up her skirt. Seconds later her white panties were in a puddle at her feet. She picked them up, kneeled down in front of me and started to masturbate me with her panties. I saw Suzy’s reflection in my mirror smiling. In just two minutes I was ejaculating into her panties. She was milking me expertly. I heard screaming and realized it was me. Colette wiped my now flaccid penis with her panties. She then took the panties from Suzy and help them out for me to step into them. I was glad when the panties were on. They were peach cotton panties. I put on the shorts and then the blouse. The outfit was feminine. Just then, Suzy said, we’re late lets go. Suzy sent Colette out. “Tell them we’re ready and tell your Mistress you did well. Show her the sodden panties as well. “If I can serve you in any other way, please let me know”. She then turned and left the apartment. But… “But nothing”, said Suzy. Clearly she was miffed. But But. “But what?” her anger was rising. “I have no shoes to wear”. “Well we must see that you are properly shod”. With that Suzy went to the bedroom and came back with some sandals.

Clearly they were feminine, however thoughts of rebellion had been ejaculated out of me several moments ago. “You look absolutely radiant Bobbie”. I saw her look me up and down. My shorts were tight and the blouse offered little in the way of comfort with all of its lace and ruffle and yet had no sleeves. We walked to the door and all I heard was the clicking of the sandals. Suzy in heels seemed to tower over me. She was in a sun dress that saw lingerie peeking out all over. I thought that it was short, way above the knee. But she was beautiful. Out the door we walked and she held my hand, I felt safe.

Walking down the hall I heard crying and a girls voice counting. I asked Suzy and she said we’re late and that we had to go. I had trouble keeping up with her and yet she was not running.

As we got closer to the elevator we heard the girl count “9” “10”. The door to the apartment was open and I immediately recognized the uniform of a Stradford Girl. She was bent over at the waist, her long skirt was draped over her and her white pantied bottom was exposed and quite red. Suzy ignored the scene. She tapped her heel on the floor waiting for the elevator. I looked in the apartment and saw a beautiful woman with Auburn hair. She was quite short and yet had a beautiful figure. She was in a floral two piece bathing suit. As I continued to peek, the Stradford Girl dropped her skirt and turned to face her tormentor. The elevator bell rang and I only got to see the make-up smeared girls face as she dropped to her knees to kiss the hand of the woman who had just beaten her bottom!

Suzy pulled me onto the elevator. The Stradford Girl assigned to the elevator welcomed us. She was as pretty as the others. They clearly had grace and discipline, this was obvious to even me.

Susan took the opportunity to open her purse. She said, “your lips look chapped”, “Ill apply some ointment”. I said thank you and liked the attention. She rubbed the container which I could not see and applied the ointment to my lips. “Make a kiss” she laughed, “make a kiss”.

“how sweet, it feels better doesn’t it?”

Another bell rang and the Stradford Girl said, “if I may ever serve you again please do not hesitate to ask”.

We were on a floor I did not recognize. Suzy pulled me into a room off the elevator. We were alone. “Don’t embarrass me”. I’m out on a limb for you”.

She was bending at the waist, chastising me like I was a small child. “Stradford is a very special place, you must have respect for our ways”. ” Otherwise you can leave this instant and find housing on your own”. I doubt you will find any housing and if you did, it would not be affordable”. “and, judging from the attention you’ve received in the past 24 hours, Stradford seems like a place you’d like to be”. She grabbed my chin, and reminded me again no to embarrass her.

Part Two

We walked out of the room and in moments were standing in front of the door marked Committee Meeting Room. My heart raced, I was dressed as a freak, what would they think? Suzy sensed my anguish and took hold of my hand. She was wonderful. “Remember”, she said. Prior to walking in, and unbeknownst to me, the events of last night were being shown to the ladies of the committee. When the tape was finished, there was clapping and giggling. The door was opened to the committee room and in we walked. The room was dark. I guessed that 20 women were in the audience and could see 7 women on the committee seated in the front of the chair around a table.

Behind each woman was a Stradford Girl. All had their hair pulled back away from their beautiful faces. This seemed to accentuate their full lips. The uniform of blouse and pleated skirts were the same. I guessed that they had white panties on as well. My head was swimming. I heard several voices from the gallery, “Suzy’s got another one”. “How cute! I’m jealous”. Suzy just kept walking and in a moment we were in the front of the room. In front of the gallery was a stool with a little thumb of wood sticking out about an inch long.

Suzy released me and from behind 2 Stradford girls collected me and took me to that stool. Suzy stood up by the committee members. The girls sat me down. I wanted to comply with Suzy’s wishes. I tried to push the thumb of wood down but it wouldn’t go. Several peals of laughter filled the room.

“As soon as Bobbie has taken a seat we can commence with today’s proceedings”, said one of the women. They were all dressed in the same kind of garb. They had on sun dresses which barely concealed their legs and behinds standing. I sat down and had to place the wooden nub right at my anus to be comfortable. When I moved, I penetrated myself. I wished the stool had some arms and some leg supports. I had to impale myself! Balancing myself was quite difficult and leaning just the slightest bit caused penetration of my behind through the shorts and the panties.

A gavel was slammed and everyone found a seat except for Suzy. Suzy stood off to the right and watched the proceedings. When the women sat down, I could easily see their panties from under the table. In fact because the table was above my eye level, I found myself face to face, practically, with their pantied pudendas! The women were looking down at me and smiling. Some fluttered their legs. What is going on I thought. I’m dressed as a girl, my bottom is being invaded and I’m in a room full of women. My stream of thoughts were broken. The committee chairwoman wearing white eyelet panties asked for my application. I heard a series of stamps, and then the questions began.

“You have no family”,


“Where did you come from”,

“I was admitted to college from a boys home”

“Okay”, and do you have any trustees, or legal guardians?”


“Suzy the paperwork is in order and we are prepared to offer you a waiver to allow Bobbie to stay for one month, of course Bobbie will need a physical”.

I continued to squirm and realized that the effects of the nub in my rectum and looking up the girls skirts was exciting me. I also knew that Suzy would be angry with me so I tried to control myself.

For the next several minutes questions were asked of me. Each panel member asked and each panel member showed me a delicious view of her panties. Some put their hands down between their legs and caressed themselves. Eyes closed and lips parted slightly. These woman simply did not care who saw them pleasuring themselves. I was bursting out of the panties. The shorts were so confining. I tried to balance myself and with each movement I penetrated myself further. I could feel the moisture in front of my panties. I tried to relax. “Application approved!” The woman all got up and shook Suzy’s hand and kissed her. Some were more demonstrative with their kisses then others. The room was filled with applause.

“I can’t wait to see this one get initiated” said a voice from the dark.

After a few moments Suzy came down and kissed me on the lips. Then she took out her purse and put the lip balm back on.

“You were fine” I said yes but I have this nub in my rectum. “Delightful isn’t it she giggled”. “It won’t be long now be a lamb and be patient”.

The committee sat back down and again we were both treated with a view of their panties. Suzy whispered in my ear and asked me if I liked any of the styles. She said she would get them for me. I was mortified.

The gavel started the discipline and reward section of the meeting. Gabrielle and Stacy were called and the two Stradford Girls walked to the front of the room.

Behind them stood two woman that moments later we learned were their Mistresses. Later I learned that all of the Stradford Girls had mistresses.

Another committee member stood and said something about obedience and responding to training. She opened a box and the girl named Gabrielle was presented with a lovely pair of panties. She hiked her skirt up and took off her panties I thought I saw something but it happened too quick. Her white panties were replaced with pink panties. Cheers filled the room and her mistress gave her a long hard kiss. Lesbianism seemed to be more than tolerated here. In my ear I heard Suzy ask me if I was excited, The stool and the scenes had me in a state. Just then the second girl Stacy was presented with a pair of black panties and slid her yellow panties down to the floor. Several speeches were made. These Stradford Girls were all so beautiful and charming. Again the gavel called the meeting to order. The discipline session was set to begin. Only one Stradford girl was taken to the front. Her blouse was removed and she wore a charming bra of satin and lace. Her small breast rose and fell. Two Stradford Girls quickly removed her long skirt. We all caught a fast glimpse of her panties of ivory and then a smaller skirt was placed around her small waist. The skirt revealed practically all of her pantied bottom but gave her front some modesty. Suzy had been touching me gently throughout the proceedings, she knew how excited I was. Then the Stradford Girl named Ashley was taken to an area that had a bar suspended above it. the bar was lowered and her hands were attached by some ribbons. The bar was raised and this poor girl was suspended on the tip toes of her heels. Yet her nipples were poking through her bra cups. The lights were lowered and a spotlight was put on the tied Stradford Girl.

Suzy asked me If I liked having my bottom played with, “You like that thumb in your rectum don’t you?”. She then unzipped my shorts and began playing with my erection. “How sweet, you are so wet!”. Suzy continued the torture and music was playing in the background.

Another woman entered dressed in an extremely tight black corset with red ribbons. Her bottom was tightly secured by beautiful red lace panties. She was magnificent.

She walked up to suspended girl and said please don’t embarrass me. You broke rules and will be punished. She took an index finger and began sliding in and out of the girls mouth. On either side of her were two Stradford Girls. How many of them were there? She sucked on those fingers greedily while Suzy continued to masturbate me. Suzy was also pinching my nipples mercilessly and always that nub was in my bottom. Ashley was stretched out and her torso was beautifully feminine. She was remarkably trim. Her mistress was equally beautiful. And now was exposing one of her little breasts. She bade a Stradford girl bring her a box and then took out some menacing nipple claps. The cups of the bra were pulled down and the clamps were attached. A chain connected these claps. I could see beads of sweat forming on Ashley’s forehead. The hand of the mistress disappeared beneath the short skirt. We could not see what was happening but clearly Ashley was experiencing great discomfort.

White light filled the room. I experienced great pain and then I realized that Suzy had squeezed one on my testicles. I almost fell off of the stool. Suzy bit my ear lobe and told me, “Rewards are given for cooperation and punishment for infractions and disobedience. Do you understand?” I said “yes” and she was delicately stroking my pantied erection again. Back up front, the mistress was pulling at the nipple clamps and turning Ashley so her back faced the audience. Her back was small and supple, so girl like with a small waist and her pantied bottom was clearly exposed. Bra straps crisscrossed her back affording support of her lovely small breasts. Her mistress stroked Ashley’s bottom. Suzy continued to frisk my member. “Do you think you are going to wet another pair of panties?” I was in another world. Without warning, the mistress pulled down Ashley’s panties to just below her bottom in the back and commenced to spanking her without compassion. After just 10 spanks the girl was in tears. This knowledge seemed to inflame her mistress who took out a riding crop and beat her in earnest. Sounds filled the room. The audience was clearly enjoying themselves.

Suzy was still manipulating me and said, “Remember to be good, or that could be you”. Ashley’s bottom was beet red when her mistress stopped.

A Stradford Girl pulled up Ashley’s panties and turned her to face her mistress. The clamps were removed from her nipples which were now swollen. Ashley’s mistress then kissed Ashley for about a minute. After the kiss ended, her skirt was changed and her breasts were placed in their cups and her blouse was returned to her form.

She kissed her mistresses hand and said, “If I ever may be of service to you please ask.” The lights came up and I realized that the women above me had been watching Suzy masturbate me through the whole session. In fact, Suzy’s fingers were wrapped around my member and still stroking as they watched. Why was I excited by this? Had I lost my mind?

Suzy removed her hand. The meeting was ended. I was allowed to rise. Off of the stool, I was glad to have my rectum unburdened.

Suzy giggled and pointed to another corner of the room where a similar stool was that had a nub of wood four times larger!. “Remember to be good”. she mused. I stood with my erection. Try as I did the shorts would not zip due to my state. I was trying still more when I realized that the seven girls were in front of me. They smiled and welcomed me.

I placed my hands in front of offending member. Suzy slapped my hands away. Just then a woman stepped forward introduced herself and gave me a package and then a kiss. Her hands took liberties and dwelled on my moist erect penis. One by one they all did the same thing. Each woman was more brazen than the last one. This was in front of the entire audience.

When I thought I could stand no more, I realized that Gabrielle had me by my arm and was pulling me away from the women. She held out a pair of white panties, the same as she was wearing just 30 minutes ago. She kissed me and said they were for me. She took me from the room and I saw Suzy give me a nod of approval. The lights in the room were lowered as I left. I was taken to a mirrored room. There were clothes on the floor, neatly arranged. “Quickly” said Gabrielle, “We have to get you ready to see the Doctor”. “If you fail the physical then you will be asked to leave Stradford.”

Gabrielle was a beautiful woman. I was amazed by how accustomed I had become at having women handle me in the past 24 hours. I wanted to please them. She took off my top and told me to remove the shorts. “Your panties are so cute”. “But, they are too wet”. You must be faint from exhaustion”, take them off this instant.” I obeyed and was naked.

I looked in the mirror and saw that my lips had been rouged a bright red. Before I could say anything, Gabrielle gave me a undershirt of dusty rose and a blouse similar to hers. She then handed me the same type of skirt she was wearing.

“I can’t wear this outfit, its just like yours”. “I’m a man not a woman”. “You had better cooperate or you will be out of luck”, “Suzy is a woman not be trifled with” “You’ll let her help you if you are smart and be grateful”. “Now be still and hold your skirt up”. I held my skirt up and she held out the panties for me to step into them.

Mirrors surrounded us and I got all angles as the panties were slipped up my smooth legs. She stopped at my thighs. I was erect again and she held my penis and looked up at me. I closed my eyes as she took me into her mouth. Up and down, licking me and sucking me. She was skilled in the oral arts and knew how to pleasure a man even if he was in skirts. It didn’t take long. I climaxed as she slid a finger into my rectum. She dried me, licked her lips and slid the panties into place. “Drop your skirts dear”. I heard clapping in the next room.

“Whats going on”, I asked.

Nothing she responded with a smile.

Later I was to learn that Gabrielle’s pleasuring me had allowed her to reach a new plateau in her training. I also learned that the room had cameras behind the mirrors and all of the women in the committee room had watched the “show”.

I was sent out of the room and greeted by Suzy. “What a lovely skirt. I’m surprised they let you wear it. You have to earn it”. “You seemed flushed”, well we must hurry back to the apartment, we have a Doctors appointment at 4:00pm”. “I’m very proud of you”. She gave me a kiss. I was confused and exhausted. What was happening to me and why was I letting it happen to me and enjoying it as well. With that we left the room. So many people were talking and yet I heard no one.

Suzy reminded me to get the gifts from the committee. We can open them later she told me. I tried to manage the skirt but it was long. “You’ll get used to it” said Suzy. What has become of me raced through my mind as I nervously bit my lip and tasted the lipstick.

Part Three

We walked out of the room and in moments were standing in front of the door marked Committee Meeting Room. My heart raced, I was dressed as a freak, what would they think? Suzy sensed my anguish and took hold of my hand. She was wonderful. “Remember”, she said. Prior to walking in, and unbeknownst to me, the events of last night were being shown to the ladies of the committee. When the tape was finished, there was clapping and giggling. The door was opened to the committee room and in we walked. The room was dark. I guessed that 20 women were in the audience and could see 7 women on the committee seated in the front of the chair around a table.

Behind each woman was a Stradford Girl. All had their hair pulled back away from their beautiful faces. This seemed to accentuate their full lips. The uniform of blouse and pleated skirts were the same. I guessed that they had white panties on as well. My head was swimming. I heard several voices from the gallery, “Suzy’s got another one”. “How cute! I’m jealous”. Suzy just kept walking and in a moment we were in the front of the room. In front of the gallery was a stool with a little thumb of wood sticking out about an inch long.

Suzy released me and from behind 2 Stradford girls collected me and took me to that stool. Suzy stood up by the committee members. The girls sat me down. I wanted to comply with Suzy’s wishes. I tried to push the thumb of wood down but it wouldn’t go. Several peals of laughter filled the room.

“As soon as Bobbie has taken a seat we can commence with today’s proceedings”, said one of the women. They were all dressed in the same kind of garb. They had on sun dresses which barely concealed their legs and behinds standing. I sat down and had to place the wooden nub right at my anus to be comfortable. When I moved, I penetrated myself. I wished the stool had some arms and some leg supports. I had to impale myself! Balancing myself was quite difficult and leaning just the slightest bit caused penetration of my behind through the shorts and the panties.

A gavel was slammed and everyone found a seat except for Suzy. Suzy stood off to the right and watched the proceedings. When the women sat down, I could easily see their panties from under the table. In fact because the table was above my eye level, I found myself face to face, practically, with their pantied pudendas! The women were looking down at me and smiling. Some fluttered their legs. What is going on I thought. I’m dressed as a girl, my bottom is being invaded and I’m in a room full of women. My stream of thoughts were broken. The committee chairwoman wearing white eyelet panties asked for my application. I heard a series of stamps, and then the questions began.

“You have no family”,


“Where did you come from”,

“I was admitted to college from a boys home”

“Okay”, and do you have any trustees, or legal guardians?”


“Suzy the paperwork is in order and we are prepared to offer you a waiver to allow Bobbie to stay for one month, of course Bobbie will need a physical”.

I continued to squirm and realized that the effects of the nub in my rectum and looking up the girls skirts was exciting me. I also knew that Suzy would be angry with me so I tried to control myself.

For the next several minutes questions were asked of me. Each panel member asked and each panel member showed me a delicious view of her panties. Some put their hands down between their legs and caressed themselves. Eyes closed and lips parted slightly. These woman simply did not care who saw them pleasuring themselves. I was bursting out of the panties. The shorts were so confining. I tried to balance myself and with each movement I penetrated myself further. I could feel the moisture in front of my panties. I tried to relax. “Application approved!” The woman all got up and shook Suzy’s hand and kissed her. Some were more demonstrative with their kisses then others. The room was filled with applause.

“I can’t wait to see this one get initiated” said a voice from the dark.

After a few moments Suzy came down and kissed me on the lips. Then she took out her purse and put the lip balm back on.

“You were fine” I said yes but I have this nub in my rectum. “Delightful isn’t it she giggled”. “It won’t be long now be a lamb and be patient”.

The committee sat back down and again we were both treated with a view of their panties. Suzy whispered in my ear and asked me if I liked any of the styles. She said she would get them for me. I was mortified.

The gavel started the discipline and reward section of the meeting. Gabrielle and Stacy were called and the two Stradford Girls walked to the front of the room.

Behind them stood two woman that moments later we learned were their Mistresses. Later I learned that all of the Stradford Girls had mistresses.

Another committee member stood and said something about obedience and responding to training. She opened a box and the girl named Gabrielle was presented with a lovely pair of panties. She hiked her skirt up and took off her panties I thought I saw something but it happened too quick. Her white panties were replaced with pink panties. Cheers filled the room and her mistress gave her a long hard kiss. Lesbianism seemed to be more than tolerated here. In my ear I heard Suzy ask me if I was excited, The stool and the scenes had me in a state. Just then the second girl Stacy was presented with a pair of black panties and slid her yellow panties down to the floor. Several speeches were made. These Stradford Girls were all so beautiful and charming. Again the gavel called the meeting to order. The discipline session was set to begin. Only one Stradford girl was taken to the front. Her blouse was removed and she wore a charming bra of satin and lace. Her small breast rose and fell. Two Stradford Girls quickly removed her long skirt. We all caught a fast glimpse of her panties of ivory and then a smaller skirt was placed around her small waist. The skirt revealed practically all of her pantied bottom but gave her front some modesty. Suzy had been touching me gently throughout the proceedings, she knew how excited I was. Then the Stradford Girl named Ashley was taken to an area that had a bar suspended above it. the bar was lowered and her hands were attached by some ribbons. The bar was raised and this poor girl was suspended on the tip toes of her heels. Yet her nipples were poking through her bra cups. The lights were lowered and a spotlight was put on the tied Stradford Girl.

Suzy asked me If I liked having my bottom played with, “You like that thumb in your rectum don’t you?”. She then unzipped my shorts and began playing with my erection. “How sweet, you are so wet!”. Suzy continued the torture and music was playing in the background.

Another woman entered dressed in an extremely tight black corset with red ribbons. Her bottom was tightly secured by beautiful red lace panties. She was magnificent.

She walked up to suspended girl and said please don’t embarrass me. You broke rules and will be punished. She took an index finger and began sliding in and out of the girls mouth. On either side of her were two Stradford Girls. How many of them were there? She sucked on those fingers greedily while Suzy continued to masturbate me. Suzy was also pinching my nipples mercilessly and always that nub was in my bottom. Ashley was stretched out and her torso was beautifully feminine. She was remarkably trim. Her mistress was equally beautiful. And now was exposing one of her little breasts. She bade a Stradford girl bring her a box and then took out some menacing nipple claps. The cups of the bra were pulled down and the clamps were attached. A chain connected these claps. I could see beads of sweat forming on Ashley’s forehead. The hand of the mistress disappeared beneath the short skirt. We could not see what was happening but clearly Ashley was experiencing great discomfort.

White light filled the room. I experienced great pain and then I realized that Suzy had squeezed one on my testicles. I almost fell off of the stool. Suzy bit my ear lobe and told me, “Rewards are given for cooperation and punishment for infractions and disobedience. Do you understand?” I said “yes” and she was delicately stroking my pantied erection again. Back up front, the mistress was pulling at the nipple clamps and turning Ashley so her back faced the audience. Her back was small and supple, so girl like with a small waist and her pantied bottom was clearly exposed. Bra straps crisscrossed her back affording support of her lovely small breasts. Her mistress stroked Ashley’s bottom. Suzy continued to frisk my member. “Do you think you are going to wet another pair of panties?” I was in another world. Without warning, the mistress pulled down Ashley’s panties to just below her bottom in the back and commenced to spanking her without compassion. After just 10 spanks the girl was in tears. This knowledge seemed to inflame her mistress who took out a riding crop and beat her in earnest. Sounds filled the room. The audience was clearly enjoying themselves.

Suzy was still manipulating me and said, “Remember to be good, or that could be you”. Ashley’s bottom was beet red when her mistress stopped.

A Stradford Girl pulled up Ashley’s panties and turned her to face her mistress. The clamps were removed from her nipples which were now swollen. Ashley’s mistress then kissed Ashley for about a minute. After the kiss ended, her skirt was changed and her breasts were placed in their cups and her blouse was returned to her form.

She kissed her mistresses hand and said, “If I ever may be of service to you please ask.” The lights came up and I realized that the women above me had been watching Suzy masturbate me through the whole session. In fact, Suzy’s fingers were wrapped around my member and still stroking as they watched. Why was I excited by this? Had I lost my mind?

Suzy removed her hand. The meeting was ended. I was allowed to rise. Off of the stool, I was glad to have my rectum unburdened.

Suzy giggled and pointed to another corner of the room where a similar stool was that had a nub of wood four times larger!. “Remember to be good”. she mused. I stood with my erection. Try as I did the shorts would not zip due to my state. I was trying still more when I realized that the seven girls were in front of me. They smiled and welcomed me.

I placed my hands in front of offending member. Suzy slapped my hands away. Just then a woman stepped forward introduced herself and gave me a package and then a kiss. Her hands took liberties and dwelled on my moist erect penis. One by one they all did the same thing. Each woman was more brazen than the last one. This was in front of the entire audience.

When I thought I could stand no more, I realized that Gabrielle had me by my arm and was pulling me away from the women. She held out a pair of white panties, the same as she was wearing just 30 minutes ago. She kissed me and said they were for me. She took me from the room and I saw Suzy give me a nod of approval. The lights in the room were lowered as I left. I was taken to a mirrored room. There were clothes on the floor, neatly arranged. “Quickly” said Gabrielle, “We have to get you ready to see the Doctor”. “If you fail the physical then you will be asked to leave Stradford.”

Gabrielle was a beautiful woman. I was amazed by how accustomed I had become at having women handle me in the past 24 hours. I wanted to please them. She took off my top and told me to remove the shorts. “Your panties are so cute”. “But, they are too wet”. You must be faint from exhaustion”, take them off this instant.” I obeyed and was naked.

I looked in the mirror and saw that my lips had been rouged a bright red. Before I could say anything, Gabrielle gave me a undershirt of dusty rose and a blouse similar to hers. She then handed me the same type of skirt she was wearing.

“I can’t wear this outfit, its just like yours”. “I’m a man not a woman”. “You had better cooperate or you will be out of luck”, “Suzy is a woman not be trifled with” “You’ll let her help you if you are smart and be grateful”. “Now be still and hold your skirt up”. I held my skirt up and she held out the panties for me to step into them.

Mirrors surrounded us and I got all angles as the panties were slipped up my smooth legs. She stopped at my thighs. I was erect again and she held my penis and looked up at me. I closed my eyes as she took me into her mouth. Up and down, licking me and sucking me. She was skilled in the oral arts and knew how to pleasure a man even if he was in skirts. It didn’t take long. I climaxed as she slid a finger into my rectum. She dried me, licked her lips and slid the panties into place. “Drop your skirts dear”. I heard clapping in the next room.

“Whats going on”, I asked.

Nothing she responded with a smile.

Later I was to learn that Gabrielle’s pleasuring me had allowed her to reach a new plateau in her training. I also learned that the room had cameras behind the mirrors and all of the women in the committee room had watched the “show”.

I was sent out of the room and greeted by Suzy. “What a lovely skirt. I’m surprised they let you wear it. You have to earn it”. “You seemed flushed”, well we must hurry back to the apartment, we have a Doctors appointment at 4:00pm”. “I’m very proud of you”. She gave me a kiss. I was confused and exhausted. What was happening to me and why was I letting it happen to me and enjoying it as well. With that we left the room. So many people were talking and yet I heard no one.

Suzy reminded me to get the gifts from the committee. We can open them later she told me. I tried to manage the skirt but it was long. “You’ll get used to it” said Suzy. What has become of me raced through my mind as I nervously bit my lip and tasted the lipstick.

The End

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The House sure feels like home, so glad to be a part of it all!

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