Letter to the Staff

Letter to the Staff

Pain? Torture? I hoped not. Fabulous tests of endurance, of my devotion to her, of my ability to hold up under enormous hardships for her sweet sake? I’d love that! I loved her!

“Yes, Ms. Katherine, I am willing!” I finally managed to say it! I never felt more excited in my life! My heart pounded! I was near fainting! “Please! Whatever you wish!”

And suddenly a rich joy rose up unbidden and uncontrollable from deep in my groin into the base of my prick! I couldn’t help it! I felt a ravishing tension rise up in my bowels and become a rainbow glow, and suffuse itself through all of that part of me thrust closest to her, filling my thighs with exquisite bliss. My ass clenched and quivered over and over, and then a glory spilled out into a rapturous spurt after spurt of hot cum squirting all over my belly and chest and even in splats into my mouth, crammed as it now was with yarn from the shag rug! My penis was so squeezed so tight now between my thighs that I couldn’t feel its spasmodic throbbing, but I felt my body go incandescent! The entire lower part of me went into orgasm!

Which may be why I felt nothing at all from Kate at that moment. I expected her to fasten the collar, or attach a lasso to my balls and lead me away for binding.

She did no such thing. In fact she didn’t even know I’d just enjoyed the greatest climax of my life. As the glow subsided I realized that the whole grand process had been hidden in the deep folds of my belly and thighs, and my cum wasn’t evident anywhere just yet.

She merely resumed speaking. But this time I heard a note of elation in her voice, even though she was trying to maintain the same controlled tone she’d used earlier. Not casual, though a touch negligent. Firm, the voice a Mistress should use when speaking to her servant. But now it also sounded exultant.

“Annie, there is no going back now. You’re already changing! The two pricks you just felt in your rear end were two intramuscular injections to help get the process under way the moment I had your fully informed consent, tape recorded and repeated three times.”

“Both injections are long term. One will really sissify you as rapidly as medicine knows how. It will pump estrogen estradiol and progesterone and certain androgen suppressants into your body for the next two weeks. Then after we evaluate your body’s response to the dosage we’ll implant patches in you so the process can continue and finish without anyone giving it further thought. It will give you a girl’s way of thinking and feeling, and many characteristics of a girl’s body. You’re going to be a girl in your body, not just in your mind.”

“The other shot was a tranquilizer-sedative, the kind we give to patients undergoing minor surgical procedures. I want to keep you mellowed out for the next few days, peaceably asleep, because I want you to remember this initiation with joy, with no associated pain or soreness. When you awaken, you’ll be fitted with your pledge to me, my symbol of ownership. I’ve just arranged it with Claire, and she’ll be here shortly to help me fit it properly. For now only you will know it’s there, though you’ll never be able to forget it’s there. Until you want everyone to know, and that will be much sooner than you imagine.”

“Annie, you are a dear! You’ll know soon enough how very dear you are to me! When you wake up.” Then she added, “Poor sweetie, you never did get to lick my pussy clean. Well, it’ll be here, and you’ll have lots of opportunities.”

I remember she said all that, and that it felt increasingly good that she was saying all those things. What was her “symbol”? Maybe body piercings? Maybe a ring in my “frenum,” whatever that was? Despite all that talk about shots and changing and all, everything she said was deeply satisfying, and I felt utterly content as I rolled over onto my side on the shag rug, asleep.

The next morning I opened my eyes. No! The calendar clock on our night table said I’d been asleep for three days! So three mornings later I woke up to sunshine flooding the room.

“There you are, Annie honey!” Kate said, drawing back the last curtain. Now the light seemed nearly blinding. “I’m on call now and I’ve just been called, but I’ll be

back to see how you’re getting on in about two hours. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, honey, and believe me, that’s not a cliche. You’ll lead a very different life from now on. Just lie there and rest. Your incisions are practically healed already, and you’ve been completely depillated, and now there’s nothing much for you to do but enjoy discovering the new you.”

She came over and stood over me. Gradually I remembered. Kate. She’d found out I was into humiliation fantasies, loss of masculinity and so on, caught me reading files in Sissify.Com. And she’d taken over, she owned me. I stared up at her, still unable to find words to speak. The weekend was over? That must have been some scene, I thought! Where was I while we played it out? Then I remembered that talk about tranquilizers, and sedatives, and not feeling sore.

“Ah, I see you’re with us again. Lie still a little longer. Remember, you’re mine now, and you are not to put anything of mine at risk. I want you to discover how I own you all by yourself, and when you do I want you to just lie there and do nothing but think about what it means. You pledged yourself to me, remember.”

I lifted my arms to inspect them, and finding nothing, reached down toward my crotch.

“No, there are no tattoos, and nothing fastened down there either. And no body parts missing. And nothing buckled or embossed or inscribed or punctured or pierced. What you’re wearing is implanted, its now part of you. What I want for you. In time they will become what you want. Understood?”

I nodded.

She left, closing the door gently. I lay there for a moment to gather more of my wits. Then I rolled over to climb out of bed.

I saw I was wearing one of her frilly nighties with puffed out sleeves. She had a few, though mostly she wore oversized T-Shirts to bed. My own PJ’s were all in the wash? This nightgown was left over from some feminization game we’d played while I was zonked, I guessed. My arms were hairless, absolutely smooth! My legs felt that way too! Well, I hoped she’d enjoyed the game! I felt sorry it was probably over.

Still leaning on one elbow and raised up, I felt a sort of pulling on my torso, as if something were hanging from me. A fold of the nightgown? No. Flesh that had been spread out across my chest while I lay on my back was now hanging down heavily from me in the form of two heavy pouches tipped with nipples, the nipples distended and brushing against the bed. Breasts. They were breasts.

My breasts! Large ones! Two of them! I stared unbelieving and abruptly put my legs over the side of the bed and sat up. Then I just sat there! With my shoulders slumped forward they sagged, though my skin was just firm enough to support them. Through the neckline of Kate’s nightgown I could see their curves — they were soft, hanging breasts! I pulled my shoulders back, and they became ripe, rounded globes jutting away from me, their areolas and nipples like small brown teacups projecting outward. I reached to heft one. Heavy! My fingers touched one of my nipples and a delicious tingle shot through me, spreading down to my crotch. I touched the other nipple. The same! O God, it felt so good! But I was a man! These were a woman’s breasts! This wasn’t one of my fantasies! Maybe one of Kate’s, but not mine! Well yes, having breasts had been one of my fantasies, but not in reality! Kate wasn’t playing just for the weekend! Had she tried to warn me of that?

She had! These were these the badges of my servitude. Kate meant to disintegrate my manhood, to really change me into a female. So it seemed. She’d said as much, I vaguely recalled. And I’d been so eager to submit to her! Now, by daylight it didn’t seem to be as good an idea. I glanced down further, and felt momentarily reassured that my cock and balls were still there.

I picked up a breast in each hand and then dropped them. They each jounced once, then hung there. Implants. Huge. Part of me. They were there all right. But they weren’t mine. I was theirs. And they belonged to Kate. She wanted me to take care of them for her. I held each in my hands again, gently this time, and stroked their nipples again with my thumbs. The most delectable feeling rose up in my groin, deep, sultry, luscious, as erotic as if my penis were being squeezed and stroked. Yet it stayed soft. I just sat there and caressed my new self with my thumbs. It felt good!

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The House sure feels like home, so glad to be a part of it all!

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