Caught with Aunties Panties!

Caught with Aunties panties!

“Hold out your arms”, she said. “No, please” I said in a trembling voice, close to tears. “OUT” she said forcefully. I helplessly held out my arms as she slipped the straps over my shoulders and snapped the bra in the back. With that she went to her closet and pulled out a sheer pink peignoir and tossed it to me. “Put it on” she said. I silently complied and just stood there waiting to see what would come next. “Don’t you feel, silly and embarrassed now. You look like a little sissy girl.”

“I’m sorry Aunt Rachel”; I said “but please don’t tell Mom and Dad.” She took me by the shoulders and sat me on her bed and told me; “You sit here like that and think about what you’ve done for awhile. I am going to try and cool off and then we’ll decide what we are going to do about this.” With that she turned and began to walk out. Just as she got to the doorway, she stopped and turned around. “One more thing” she said. She reached down, grabbed the hem of the ankle length skirt she was wearing and hiked it up to her thighs. She reached up under her skirt and skinned off the panties she was wearing as I watched with wide-eyed disbelief. She took this pair, black nylon panties with a pretty pink satin bow at the waist, stepped over to me and pulled them down over my face. “Now, you can think about what a pervert you are while I’m gone” she said as she walked out of the room.

I truly couldn’t believe what had just happened to me! There I sat, totally sissified by my gorgeous aunt, with the pussy panel of her very own panties right over my face and nose. And what a pussy panel it was! The crotch of her panties was absolutely soaked! As frightened as I was I couldn’t help but to cautiously poke my tongue out and lap at the salty sweetness of her juices. She may have been mad, but something about this situation sure did excite Aunt Rachel! If it weren’t for the load of trouble I felt I was about to get into with my parents, this would have been a dream come true for me. A dream beyond my wildest imagination.

I sat there inhaling the scent I had become so familiar with over the past few years. This time, though, the scent was fresh and even more delicious than when I had worshipped panties stolen from Aunt Rachel’s hamper. Occasionally I would suck the crotch of the panties into my mouth to keep the taste fresh on my lips. In spite of myself I had gradually developed a raging hard-on that was bulging against the leg band of my pretty pink panties. I had begun to seep some pre-cum and could see a nice big wet spot showing through the silky nylon. I couldn’t help myself, even though I knew I would be in even bigger trouble when Aunt Rachel came back and found me like this.

After about a half-hour she came back into the room. She came over to the bed and stood over me, obviously enjoying my predicament. ” I have decided what should be done with you!” she said. I sat there looking up at her stern face and shivered with dread, she would tell my parents everything and I would be done for. “Since you like to wear my panties you will come over here every Saturday until I decide otherwise and do just that!” she said.I was shocked, but a little relieved; she would keep this between just us.

“You will arrive here at exactly 8 a.m. and dress in what I have laid out for you. You will be doing all my housework for me, all the vacuuming and dusting. As well as the mending, ironing, dishwashing and you will appreciate this; all the laundry as well. Since you want to be a sissy we will do this right!” “And to insure your complete cooperation”…. FLASH…FLASH! She had produced a Polaroid One-Step and was taking photos of me wearing her bra, panties, peignoir and her soaked panties on my head.

“Just a little insurance policy” she said. “I will keep these in my safety deposit box for safe-keeping” “You will call your mother and tell her that you have agreed to come over every Saturday to do chores, for which you will be paid, starting today.” I could not believe this; I was at once frightened and excited. This was beyond my wildest panty-sniffing fantasies, but she had the pictures and would not hesitate to show them to my parents so I had no choice really. She bent over, giving me a glimpse of her generous cleavage through the leg holes of her panties, and removed them from my head. “My these are soaked! What have you been doing in here!” she demanded. “And look at the ones you have on!” Referring of course to the large stain that my raging hard-on had caused. “Your first chore will be to do the hand washing of my bras and panties. Now, to the telephone!”

After I had hung-up she came into the room and said, “Well?” “My mother said that it would be fine. In fact she said that it would teach me some responsibility as well as give me gas money!”

“I couldn’t agree more,” she said. “Now we will begin your sissy training, follow me!” she commanded. She led me to the bathroom and had me sort through the hamper to find her undergarments. After sorting and removing most of them she said, “I want you to make sure to get them all!” and pushed my head deep down into the tall hamper and held it there. It was the type of hamper with a lid, and a week’s worth of her laundry had left it very musky indeed. “Breathe deep you sissy panty-sniffer, I want to hear you breathe deeply through your nose!” she demanded.

I did as instructed partially in fear of those pictures but also because I loved it. This was a dream come true! To have Aunt Rachel forcing me to breathe in her odors while wearing her undies was putting me over the edge. As I bent over the hamper my cock rubbed up against the front of it and I exploded in the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. I stood there, my head in the hamper and my ass jerking with the throes of my excitement. Aunt Rachel went nuts! “Look what you have done!” she yelled. She pulled my head out of the hamper and turned me around swiftly. My face was beet-red from my embarrassment. “You will learn to control yourself in my presence! That will be the first of the many lessons you will receive!” ” Now I must go to the bedroom and get you a clean pair of panties. You will stand still till I return!”

She returned with a pair of pink panties a little plainer than the pair I had originally taken from her drawer. She filled the sink with water and Woolite and instructed me on how to properly wash her delicates. She then handed me the new panties telling me to change into them. ” I am going to lay down for a while and I want to hear you sniff deeply at every pair before you wash them out!” “Now get to work!”

I was in heaven! I sniffed for all I was worth hoping to please her. When I was done with the wash I sheepishly went to the bedroom and told Aunt Rachel that I had finished. She said, “I will determine that!” and went to inspect my work. ” You did an adequate job”, she said. ” I can see the potential in you.” “You may get dressed but you must leave your panties on and return them to me clean next Saturday.” With that I was dismissed and all the way home I considered the situation I had gotten myself into.

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Joining The House has been the best thing ever for this sissy. It has been about a week since joining and already sissy feels a tremendous turnaround in the way she feels and acts. she most certainly feels more feminine,… Read more “bobbiegirl”

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