Caught with Aunties Panties!

Caught with Aunties panties!

The next Saturday I arrived at Aunt Rachel’s promptly at 8 not knowing what to expect. I rang the bell and waited. She appeared at the door and let me in. She had on a black ankle-length skirt with a long side slit and a lacy white high collared blouse. She was also wearing black patent lace up boots. Her hair was pulled back into a bun at the back of her head and she wore her oversized tortoise rimmed glasses. “I am glad to see that you are on time”, she said. She told me to follow her and led me to her bedroom. She turned and demanded, “Did you bring what you were told to?” “Yes”, I stammered, and handed her the pink panties she had me wear the previous week. ” “Good!” she exclaimed, inspecting their cleanliness. “Now we can begin with your training”, she said. On her bed lay my wardrobe for the day. ” First we shall get you dressed properly, so strip down so I can show you how to dress.” “Now!”

Hesitantly I removed my clothes, embarrassed and excited to stand before her naked. ” Here, you can start with these”, she said, handing me a pair of ruffled white panties. “But first attach this onto yourself”, giving me what looked like a small dog collar. She instructed me to wrap the collar around my cock and balls and buckle it on. She came over and took a small luggage padlock and locked the collar on. I pulled the panties up over my semi-erect cock, pushing my confined genitals up the crack of my ass. “Too much of a bulge still” she said, “take them down again.” She then took a thin rope and passed it through the cock collar’s loop near the base of my balls, pulling it up the crack of my ass, and doubled it around my waist, tying it in the back. Pulling my genitals back with it. “Pull your panties back up now” she said. “Much smoother”, she cooed.

Next I was handed a white garter belt and white seamed stockings with a floral print on them. “Hurry up!” she demanded as I fumbled with the small clasp at the back of the garter-belt. She showed me how to roll the stockings on and attach them. “And those seams had better be straight”, she told me. She then handed me a white half-cup bra to wear. I struggled to get it on and once I had, she walked up to me and grabbed each of my nipples and pulled as much of my “breast” through the cups as possible. Looking down I really had cleavage! Maybe a “B” cup. “My you are shaping up nicely,” she said, smiling.

Next I was given a white ruffled petticoat and a black maid’s uniform with a small white apron to put on. When I had she told me to sit down on the bed. She put a pair of black 3″ heels on my feet. They had ankle straps on them and through the straps Aunt Rachel put two luggage padlocks. From her cedar chest she got some cuffs and proceeded to strap two of them to my ankles. She locked a chain about 18″ long between them. “Girls take nice short steps not big strides and this will help to remind you”, she said. The other pair of cuffs went on my wrists, which she chained behind my back with an 8″ long chain. Finally she attached a larger studded dog collar around my neck and locked it on with another luggage padlock. “Stand up and turn around” she said. I rose unsteadily on the heels and mincingly turned for her. She clipped a leash to my neck collar and led me to the vanity. “Come, it’s time for the rest of your preparation” she stated and sat me down.

First she applied a liquid foundation to my face. “It’s a good thing you are fairly hairless” she said “but first things first.” With that dry, she put on blush over it. “I am using a nice red blush on you today” she told me. She applied two shades of eye shadow to me. A darker charcoal color on my eyelid and a lighter gray above it. “Now look straight ahead and hold still” she commanded. “Although you have extremely long lashes for a boy I will now put some mascara and liner on you, and I don’t want to poke your eye out.” She also filled in my eyebrows with the liner pencil. She put some bright red stay-on lip color on my lips and finally some red press-on nails. She then produced a long brown wig and using bobby pins attached it to my own brown hair pulling it into a ponytail with a black scrunchie. She also had me wear a maid’s lacey headpiece. Lastly she sprayed me with Giorgio, on my neck, wrists, behind my ears and down my cleavage.

Leading me over near the closet to the full-length mirror in the corner, I could not believe my eyes! There I was with my perfect make-up and actual cleavage at my uniform’s neckline! “Turn around and admire my work little lady” she said. Being careful on the heels I turned slowly and admired myself. When I had turned back around I found the closet doors open and I was staring into a video camera with it’s red record light blinking away at me! “Oh please NO, Aunt Rachel!” I begged. “OH YES!” she replied removing the cassette, “and if you behave, then someday I will give you this tape and any others I take of you, including last week’s photos. However if you prove recalcitrant not only will your parents see the photos but I will post this video on the Internet and charge people to see it!” “Now that you know your true position we must give you a new name to go with it.” I think I shall call you DeeDee after your first two initials.”

“Come with me DeeDee,” she said as she led me by the leash to the living room. She then unlocked my hands from behind my back and re-attached them in front. “The vacuum cleaner is in the hall closet. I am going to the mall and I want the whole house vacuumed by the time I return, is that clear?” “Yes Aunt Rachel” I responded. She unhooked the leash from my collar, laying it on the table. She headed for the garage door and looking back said, “No dawdling now, get to work!” and was gone.

I was almost finished with the vacuuming when I heard the garage door open and then close signaling her return. As I was putting the vacuum back in the hall closet, she came in and said, “All finished, DeeDee?” I answered that I was and was told to go to the garage and bring her packages in from the back of the car. There were 2 or 3 bags from Sears and Marshal Field’s and one from Victoria’s Secret! Dare I hope that she had bought something for me to wear? I asked her that and she just said, “Time will tell.” “But now it is lunchtime and you will make us some grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.” And clipping the leash back on she led me to the kitchen and tied it off to the oven door handle, while she got all the ingredients out for me. I cooked our lunch and she released me to sit with her and eat. After lunch I did the dishes leashed to the handle of the cupboard under the sink, while Aunt Rachel put away her purchases.

When I was through with the dishes she came in and led me to the couch where she sat down. She turned me around and fastened my hands behind me again. She told me to kneel on the floor facing her so I did so. She then pulled up her ankle-length skirt and removed her panties, which were a black satiny pair, giving me a glimpse of her red pubic hair. She again took the panties and placed them over my head, positioning them so that I could see through the leg holes and that the, very soaked, pussy panel was right in front of my nose. “Breathe deeply through your nose for me panty-sniffer DeeDee”, she commanded. I complied with her demand and breathed in deeply for her. “Very good DeeDee, now I want you to lick the crotch of my panties.” Again I could not resist as my restrained throbbing cock was reminding me. “Do you like my taste sissy DeeDee?” she asked looking deep into my eyes. “Oh YES, Aunt Rachel I do.” “Good” she responded “Then you will love what comes next.” And with that she removed her panties from my head, hiked her skirt up, and placing the leash up under her ass she began pulling my head towards her crotch!

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It is now almost three months since my Wife and i have begun reading your site, and it has made a radical difference in Her approach to my feminization. She has decided, much to my humiliation, that i must be… Read more “sondra”

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