Caught with Aunties Panties!

Caught with Aunties panties!

The dildo was again pushed into my helpless mouth. “Lick it clean slave DeeDee”, Mistress Jamie demanded. When she was satisfied she returned the cummy panties to my head. Then she had Mistress Rachel get onto the exam table legs in the stirrups and proceeded to fuck her, while I watched through the leg holes of Rachel’s panties.

I was released from the horse and led back upstairs to the kitchen. There I was told to make a lunch of tuna fish salad for us. After lunch I was put in the back of Rachel’s car for the ride back. Again she taunted me about her driving or what might happen if we had car trouble and the spare was flat. Pulling into her garage and hearing the door close, I felt a great sense of relief. Aunt Rachel told me to get to work on the laundry.

When I had finished I was led into the living room were she told me, “DeeDee you did very well today and so I will reward you before you go.” She proceeded to remove her well-soaked panties and gave them to me. “I want you to use these to masturbate with this week and bring them back next week, with all of your cum stains on them, to wash them. “See you next Saturday”, she said as I left.

Before next Saturday arrived I was visited a terrible tragedy. While I was at school my parents were killed in a car wreck. Aunt Rachel, being my only living relative, was chosen as my guardian and after the services I packed all my stuff and moved in to her home. This was a bad time for me and Aunt Rachel was terrific through all of it. After some time my grief faded and things got back to an even keel. One day Aunt Rachel sat me on the couch and said, “Well do you think that I can have DeeDee back?” “I would like that very much”, I said. Getting up from the couch I said, “I’ll be right back,” and I went to my room and returned shortly with the cum-stained pair she had given me before the tragedy. “I am bringing you these back as you requested Mistress Rachel”, I said.

She had tears in her eyes as she accepted them from me. “Thank you DeeDee” she said, “I love you very much”. “I love you too,” I said and we hugged and cried together for a long time. She said “To celebrate we will go out to dinner”. “DeeDee, you will come with me” and she led me to her bedroom. She went over to her dresser drawer and handed me a pair of lacy white panties and said “You will wear these at dinner” then she went to the bathroom to clean up. We went out and had a wonderful time. During our meal she teased me by saying things like, “Maybe I should make you go to the women’s’ room, after all you are wearing women’s’ underwear”.

After dinner we came back home and watched TV and talked. She instructed me to put on the red satin nightie for bed saying, “You will leave your girlie undies on as well”. In the morning we arose and I made us breakfast while dressed in my nightie. After I had cleaned up after the meal, Mistress Rachel announced that we would go shopping today. “To buy DeeDee a new wardrobe”, she said delightfully!

She had me dress in a bra and panties under loose fitting clothes and we set off to the mall. We went to a number of stores including Victoria’s Secret and Marshall Field’s. Luckily we wear about the same size clothing so she was the one who tried things on. Although she threatened, “Maybe I should send you into the women’s dressing room to try this one on” or, “Should I tell the salesgirl whom these are really for?” We then returned home and I spent the afternoon modeling my new wardrobe for Mistress Rachel.

When I had finished posing she told me “Mistress Jamie is coming for dinner and you will dress in your maid’s uniform with all your cuffs and collars locked in place”. “When you are done you will present yourself to me for inspection”. I went to my room and did as I was told, then presented myself as required. She circled me, critically judging my make up and hair. After making a few adjustments I was pronounced worthy to serve and was led to the kitchen to prepare dinner. At 7 o’clock the doorbell rang and she said, “That will be Jamie, answer the door. I let Mistress Jamie in and she greeted Rachel. “I see DeeDee is looking very good today”, eyeing me over. “We will have cocktails and appetizers in the living room DeeDee” Rachel told me. I hobbled to the kitchen to get them while they went to converse on the couch.

I served them drinks and appetizers and was told that I could join them. “Go get yourself a soda and kneel before us” Jamie instructed. I kneeled and they fed me while they discussed me, my appearance and, my future. Jamie really liked me in my uniform. “Have you gaffed her?” Jamie asked. “See for yourself”, Rachel said. I was told to drop my panties to my knees. Jamie lifted my skirt and said, “It looks good, just like a real bush”. “Yes and she put it on herself didn’t you DeeDee”? “Yes Mistress I did it to please you, I hope it is satisfactory”. “Yes DeeDee you have done a pretty good job”. “You will now serve dinner at the dining room table”. While they sat and ate, I kneeled at the sideboard to serve them and ate when I wasn’t serving. When they had finished I was told to clear the table and bring their dessert. “Your dessert will be to service us while we eat”. With that I was pushed under the table and I ate each of their pussies as they finished their food.
<p style=”text-align: center;”><em><strong>The End</strong></em></p>

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