Domestic Duties

domestic dutties
Nothing pleases a Superior more than an immaculate house - folded sheets, gleaming bathroom, and a spotless kitchen. And nothing pleases the House more than a properly completed and well submitted Domestics Report!

Domestic Duties

We’ve come a long way since 467 B.C.

The sissy understands that the work is important and must be done. It is not a one-time, or occasional set of tasks, but, rather, an ongoing and very necessary part of life ...
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning is good for the sissy soul

anna loves to do nothing more than a really deep clean and spring cleaning fills he.r heart with joy and satisfaction ...
The basis of good maid training

The basis of good maid training

Everyone likes to live in a clean home. Because in a clean environment you feel comfortable and can fully develop your abilities, desires and talents. Every Lady and Mistress therefore needs good staff. Since well-trained maids don't fall from heaven, ...
servitude maid

Understanding maid duties and etiquette

sissy vaiva spent time learning more what it’s like to be a maid of the house. It helped sissy to make clearer goals what she must accomplish. By fantasising of becoming a maid, vaiva was always thought more about dressing ...
Why become a sissy maid?

Why become a sissy maid?

Becoming a maid as a sissy is almost a natural fit in the grand scheme of it all. after all, a maids duties and lifestyle are very similar in many ways. sissy’s have a desire to serve a Madame, or ...
Sew "what's  going on"

Sew “what’s going on”

With a drawer full of panties, this sissy is not running low any time soon, but wearing my panties every day and night to bed, sissies panties are sure to wear. As this pair did. Panties are one of those ...

sissy’s 30 Minute Comfort Chile

Here is a very brief report on when janielle’s Mistress comes home from a tough day and wants no part of the dinner sis already has already prepped (per Her menu). What She does want is Her glass of Chard ...
baking for sissies

Cooking to Serve and Submit

this sissy humbly submits this report to Madame Stewart and to the House Superiors. sissyhood means submission, doesn't it? submission to the feminine, submission to the ladies. in practice, this means feminizing ourselves in order to serve the Superior Ladies ...
Laundry Day

Learning to Love Laundry Day

Sunday is usually laundry day and for sissy anna, this means not only washing all the bedding and normal day to day clothing, but also washing her intimates and lingerie ...
sexy french maid

Why would silvia like to be a sissy maid?

Being a sissy maid relieves her of all kinds of performance anxiety and pressure to succeed ...
Buddha Bowl

Preparing for Dinnertime!

sissy susan has learned that great joy comes from seeing her Wife relax after a work day and enjoy a wonderful meal, with no thoughts of a messy house, or laundry piled up ...
Good Sissy Guide

The Only Goal: Being a Good sissy

This sissy felt warm, safe, secure, and happy as she read this assignment. It describes her ultimate dream, to be the perfect servant for a Superior ...
lamb in uniform

Performance of Domestic Duties

Humility is often a strong reinforcement of this sissy’s place, so s.he welcomes the opportunity as it pleases he.r Superior very much ...
Breakfast by jenn

Cooking for her Superior

sissy jenn has been working on domestic duties for a long time and felt it was time to submit a report on this subject concerning preparing meals for the Superior and at times guests ...
Good sissy guide

sissy’s focused new beginning

This is not a one time check the box training assignment, but full acceptance and devotion to Her needs, which will lead to being “loved and cherished by any Superior!” ...

First Steps

Yesterday, this sissy found he.rself in a lull at midday with little to do. The thrill of thinking and fantasizing about he.r future attire and body had worn off, and 2~3 days of chastity resulted in more energy than usual ...

Working on being more focused on housekeeping chores

s.he understands now what a huge part daily house chores play in becoming a better sissy and showing her Superior that s.he puts her needs above all else ...
Apron Dress

French Apron Fancy Dress

This sissy loves the outfit and wishes that have got it long ago, the sissy apologizes for this ...
Being a sissy maid

Being a sissy maid

cecile will from now on of course keep up with her duties as a sissy maid to her Superior's household. It is becoming a life style ...

a day of domestic duties for this sissy french maid

Mistress likes her sissy slave to take a kneeling position in front of the door. This moment when she waits on her knees for Mistress to open the door is always very intense and she then feels her heart beating ...

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Thank you for all that you do for so many … that truly need the guidance and support you provide on the journey to their destiny.

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