sissy training assignments

Sissy Training Assignments!

You have come to the heart & jewel of the House. These Assignments are just the thing to develop your very own quintessential submissive sissy maid - unparalleled at service, duty, sexual assistance and most of all, subservience.

The Staff here at Sissify strive to attain the highest knowledge and practical use of the feminization training process. In fact, two Members of our Staff are in actuality Post Operative Transsexuals.

These Assignments are complete with instruction and support for sissies as well as their Superiors. Emphasis has been given to demeanor, with attitude adjustment opportunities given at all levels of feminization.

Review the Assignments. Think about how they can fit in your life. Do they require alone time? Are they something that needs to be scheduled? If you show up with a face full of makeup at work tomorrow, will you lose your job? These are the questions to ask yourself. But be tough. Don't chicken out. Push that envelope until its ready to burst and stay there! Keep expanding your training! Expand yourself!

We recommend starting with the Servitude Assignment ..... unless other arrangements have been made with a Staff Member or your Superior.

Upon completion of your Assignments; write and submit a full and detailed Report (include photographic documentation whenever possible) to the Staff.  Special attention should be made to your feelings as completing the Assignment and your interpretation of the Staff's intent of the exercise.

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The unworthy apprentice sissy writing this has written You many times asking for help. You have always made he.r life better. The House has been the very foundation of he.r life. Thank You again for Your efforts.*curtsey*.

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