Feminization is all about transformation - a metamorphosis from who you had thought you were into something worthy of becoming. As they say - inch by inch, anything's a cinch - but yard by yard, well girl - it's super hard! So get comfortable and set yourself up for turning your dreams into your reality!
First let's unpack what it takes to start your Resolutions out right. Many a girl before you has already traveled this path. We have already established that you want to be a good sissy. A proper accessory to a Superior. We know you can do it.
It’s obvious isn’t it?
You have the need, the desire, and the passion. All is you need is a plan! This is where the House comes in.
With a guiding hand, a plan, a community - metamorphosis is almost a foregone conclusion.
Let's assess what it is that you have resolved to accomplish. It is imperative that it's in line with what your Superiors would want for you. Without that alignment - doubt and fear will come in the way, but with your Superiors support - each step will come about with fluidity and ease.