sissy Walk

Start by properly preparing yourself

If it is possible, take a comforting bath, shave fully, apply makeup, paint your nails and dress in your prettiest or sultriest attire.

If it is possible, take a comforting bath, shave fully, apply makeup, paint your nails and dress in your prettiest or sultriest attire.

You will need to purchase a slip style girdle (these must be of a slip style, i.e. no crotch and extending to your mid thigh. They can be either a full or half-slip, with or without garter straps if you are a stocking wearer (I do recommend that you get the style with garter straps and wear stockings with them). Typical names include; "control body slip's, open style girdle with side zippers, open style girdle etc."

  • You will need one or two hard cover books to balance on your head while training.
  • A pair of 5" heels (yes girls, 5" minimum)
  • A mirror…. or better yet a video camera to review your progress and to send us photo's or mpgs of your efforts.
  • A string or chalk line.
  • A place where you can walk at least several feet in a straight line.

Start by reviewing yourself in the mirror (DO NOT MASTURBATE). Is your hair properly in place, and makeup in order? Repeat to yourself aloud or silently (aloud is more powerful) "i am a sissy, i am not a Man, i submit my arrogant masculinity to my Superior for eradication."

When you are in the proper headspace, you may begin.

Ready to start your training?

Submit your application today!


sissy michelle

This sissy wishes to thank her Superiors for providing the opportunity for learning. This sissy is so happy at being able to learn how to be a better sissy.Thank you for providing such great insight, and for allowing this sissy… Read more “sissy michelle”

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