Hot for Teacher!

Sissy Sex School!

It’s time to put on your cute little plaid skirt and white blouse and grab a notebook because your House of Sissify is sending you back to school!
Today in school you will learn many things. You might even surprise yourself. But first you must promise to follow the rules. You must make sure to have your school supplies and be prepared for the upcoming classes if you want to pass. This is no school for the lazy lass. We expect our girls to be at the top of the class and graduate with honors.
Ready to start your training?

Submit your application today!



This sissy just wanted You to know that although s.he has never been involved in an educational experience so personal, this is exactly what s.he needs. You and your Staff must be geniuses. When s.he stumbled into the Sissify site… Read more “robyn”

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