
You thought you knew a good orgasm in your boyish role? Oh My goodness girl! You haven't experienced anything until you've had a sissyGasm!

Many a sissy has gnashed her teeth trying to understand why the House is not clitty centric. It becomes very apparent on a girls first Assignments, that We want these clitties properly tucked and pantied in satin and lace, put away to only be brought out in the most simplistic of mind training.

Clitty centricity is something the House works diligently to ween its girls of so we can advance our trainees to the next level of girlishness.

There is so much more beyond the "dickishness" that must be eradicated in a sissy's journey - there is actually a big girly reward, a huge pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and its time you are initiated into this special club!

The sissy G-spot, or P-spot, is better known as the prostate, a walnut-sized gland between the bladder and the clitty. It contributes to a number of key functions of your sexual health as it supplies part of the fluid which mixes with sperm from the tessies.

Ironically, when you normally hear about this prostate it’s because something is wrong.

But not this time honey! You can trigger a mind-blowing orgasm by massaging this special gland as it’s covered in nerve endings. Many sissy's and happy bottoms report that this kind of orgasm is even more powerful than a penile one. Lucky you!

"An out-of-body explosion. A whole new wave of pleasure. An incredible rush. Heaven. Hot fire. Lighting your entire inside up. If an ejaculation feels like a 10, this was a 20."

If you were wrongly assigned male at birth (like many of you were), you can experience what’s akin to a girly G-spot orgasm you've heard so much about. Unfortunately, like the G-spot, there’s very little known about sissyGasms since they’re criminally understudied and have always been held in high regard in private, secretive clubs. But many a bottom has known for years the joy of a sissyGasm! That's why they want to be fucked, right?

What we do know is mostly derived from survey data, and these findings are wonderful. They prove the House's point we have been finger wagging for years. For instance, research has found that people who stimulate their prostate have orgasms 33 percent stronger than your standard genital orgasm. Wow! How's that for a stat?

It’s also good for your health. Even if you are on the girlJuice - routine prostate massage flushes this special gland, clearing it of blockage and toxins. Massage also encourages blood-flow and reduces the risk of prostate cancer by as much as 34 percent.

So if you’re curious to expand your knowledge of the sissyGasm in all of its glory, you’ve come to the right place.

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sissy cindy

i have only been a member for a few short days and have found myself wondering why i hadnt joined much earlier. Truth is i was very scared and worried to face my sissy desires. Now i find those fears… Read more “sissy cindy”

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