This sissy is so fortunate that Madame Stewart has allowed he.r the privilege of joining this fabulous site. Although a member of the House for a relatively short time, s.he has learned so much and is making progress toward becoming the best sissy s.he can possibly be, and one that will make Mistress proud. This sissy wholeheartedly recommends this site to any sissy who is truly interested in improving he.r femininity and servitude. It is a very magical place and this sissy looks forward to a long relationship with Madame Stewart, the other Mistresses of the House and all of he.r sissy sisters.
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WOW I have to say,.. That although I do not participate in this particular lifestyle,.. (being far too dominant in set in my ways to desire such an experience) I feel you deserve enormous kudos on the design and layout… Read more “ishmael”