Thank You for accepting my application and allowing me the privilege of entering the interior of Your site. It has indeed had a profound effect on my psyche. i view myself as transgendered, and i have been progressing along the path of the Feminine for several years. i hope someday to begin hormone therapy, electrolysis etc. though i am not yet financially able to do so. I am always on the lookout for information or ideas that can help guide me along. i have encountered many sites on the web that had some relevance, but I can truly say that none has been as powerful or effective as Yours. It struck a chord in me immediately……….. There is much more i could say, Mistress, in praise of Your site, but I fear i may already be imposing upon Your valuable time with this lengthy reply. Suffice it to conclude that Your mixture of sex, science, spiritual and psychological insight, practical advice, humor and genuine caring is like nothing i have encountered anywhwere else.. i hope You will find me worthy in the future to remain a member of this wonderful world.
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This sissy just wanted You to know that although s.he has never been involved in an educational experience so personal, this is exactly what s.he needs. You and your Staff must be geniuses. When s.he stumbled into the Sissify site… Read more “robyn”