This House of Sissify is a true place of happiness for magda, a place where she is recognized, is shaped, and can give herself the way she feels deep inside her. How long has she been looking for a place like this, never dreaming that she would ever be able to find a place like this. For many years, your girl lived a shadowy existence inside, hidden and only let out in brief, shameful moments. This time is now over, finally! Now she has loving, attentive and helpful sisters at her side and can give the love and compassion that she wants. This place saved her life to some extent. All the countless helpful tips and advice are so beneficial. They show the little sissy a very good path. magda can say a thousand thanks to the noble Madame Stewart and the noble House Superiors for this opportunity. Curtsy.
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The House sure feels like home, so glad to be a part of it all!